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Ledger backed loyalty points for your ActiveRecord models


>= 5, < 8
 Project Readme


Royal adds loyalty (and other types of) points to your ActiveRecord models. It's backed by an internal ledger for balance tracking, provides a simple programmer interface, and is designed to handle concurrency and locking for you.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'royal'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install royal

Generating Configuration

Generate the configuration file with:

$ bin/rails g royal:install

This will place a configuration file at config/initializers/royal.rb in your Rails application directory.

Generating Migrations

Generate the migration file with:

$ bin/rails g royal:migration

And then run the migration:

$ bin/rails db:migrate


To add a points balance to any of your ActiveRecord models, include the Royal::Points module. For the purposes of the examples below, we'll be using a hypothetical User model:

class User < ApplicationRecord
  include Royal::Points

  # ...

Royal uses a separate ledger table to track points for your models, so it's not necessary to add any columns to existing tables.

Viewing the Point Balance

To view the current balance of a record, use the current_points method:

user = User.first

user.current_points # => 0

NOTE: The current_points method accesses the database each time it's called.

Adding Loyalty Points

user.add_points(100) # => 100

This method returns the new points balance after the operation.

Spending Loyalty Points

user.subtract_points(75) # => 25

This method returns the new points balance after the operation.

If the current balance is less than the specified amount of points to subtract, a Royal::InsufficientPointsError is raised:

user.subtract_points(200) # => raises #<Royal::InsufficientPointsError ...>

Including a Reason or Note

It's possible to include a String of text when adding or subtracting points, which will be stored with the change:

user.add_points(50, reason: 'Birthday points!')

NOTE: By default, the reason can be at most 1000 characters long.

Linking to Another Record

It's possible to link an additional record when adding or subtracting points. Below is an example using a hypothetical Reward model:

reward = Reward.find_by(name: 'Gift Card')

user.subtract_points(50, pointable: reward)

Loyalty Point Balance History

Since points are stored in a ledger, it's possible to view and display the complete history of a points balance:

  <% user.point_balances.order(:sequence).each do |point_balance| %>
      <td><%= point_balance.amount.positive? ? 'Added' : 'Spent' %> <%= point_balance.amount %></td>
      <td><%= point_balance.balance %></td>
      <td><%= point_balance.reason %></td>
  <% end %>

NOTE: For data integrity purposes, the owner, amount, balance, and sequence attributes on Royal::PointBalance records are as marked readonly once persisted to the database. Modifying the fields or removing existing balance records is not supported.

Concurrency and Locking

Royal comes with built-in automatic locking around point balance changes. Since each applicable behaves differently, it also includes a few alternative locking strategies.

Royal supports three possible locking modes:

  • Optimistic locking (default)
  • Pessimistic locking
  • Advisory locking (PosgreSQL only)

Each mode has its own advantages and disadvantages, which are outlined in detail below. Optimistic locking is used by default and should work well in most use cases and even in high-load applications. In general, you shouldn't need to change this unless you start to experience SequenceErrors.

Optimistic Locking (Default)

This locking mode relies on a unique index specific to owner record such that: (owner_id, owner_type, sequence). A sequence column is increased by 1 for every write to the points balance ledger, so any conflicting writes to the table would produce a duplicate value for the sequence column and be rejected by the uniqueness constraint.

Whenever an update is rejected by this constraint, the operation is re-attempted with a new sequence value and updated balance calculation. By default, an update can be re-attempted up to 10 times before a Royal::SequenceError is raised.

For most applications, updates should only be very rarely retried and generally resolve it an most one or two attempts. However, if your application needs to perform frequent, parallel balance updates for a single record, this may become a concern. (For example, an organization that receives points from all of its employees, or some other group that receives points from all of its members.)

NOTE: You shouldn't usually need to change locking strategies unless you see frequent SequenceErrors or otherwise experience poor performance. Even in cases where your application does perform a large number of parallel balance updates for the same record, you may see better results changing how your application applies these updates. (e.g. Using a queue to asynchronously apply updates in sequence from a separate task instead of in parallel.)

Pessimistic Locking

This locking mode relies on row-level exclusive locks acquired on the owner record for the points balance.

In general, this strategy is the slowest as it will be blocked by any other locks on the record, and will block all other operations on the record for the duration of the update. Unless you are experiencing issues with the optimistic locking strategy and are unable to leverage advisory locks for your applicable, use of the strategy is not advised.

Advisory Locking (PostgreSQL Only)

This locking mode uses an exclusive advisory lock on a key that's unique to each owner record via pg_advisory_xact_lock. See more here:

Using advisory locking provides similar advantages to pessimistic locking without having to acquire a row-level lock on the owner record. Locking is done using the 2-argument version of pg_advisory_xact_lock using values computed based from their owner record's ID and polymorphic name.

e.g. A lock for a User record with ID 1 would acquire a lock as so:

SELECT pg_advisory_xact_lock(hashtext('User'), 1)

When using advisory locks, there are situations where lock-keys could potentially experience collisions. Since advisory lock keys are 64-bits wide, it is unlikely to happen for most applications, but is still worth considering.

Two possible situations where these keys would collide are:

  1. Your applicable already heavily relies on advisory locks. Note that the single 64-bit argument advisory lock uses a separate key space and does not overlap with the 2-argument key space.
  2. Your models have 64-bit (or greater) IDs and the bottom 32-bits are the same. Since the 2 key segments are restricted to 32-bits, this locking system only uses the bottom 32-bits of the owner record's ID as part of the lock key.

In most cases, lock-keys colliding would just result in two or more unrelated records waiting before applying a point balance update. Unless your applicable has a very large number of owner records with overlapping keys that are frequently updated together, this shouldn't create any cause for concern.

However, if your application falls into situation #1 described above and also holds advisory locks for extended periods of time, balance updates may stall for much longer than expected as they'll be blocked until the lock is released.

Transactions and Deadlock Prevention

When adding or subtracting points from a single record, Royal automatically handles locking and usually poses no risk of deadlock (as locks are only acquired for a single record). However, when changing the points balances of multiple records together, care must be taken to avoid conditions that would result in a stall or deadlock.

To make this easier, Royal providers a Transaction object which can be used to define and safely execute a sequence on points balance changes on a number of objects all at once. In the example below, we transfer 100 points from one user to another:

transaction =

user1 = User.find(1)
user2 = User.find(2)

transaction.add_points(user1, 100)
transaction.subtract_points(user2, 100)

Transactions have no limit on how many records can be involved or how many operations can be performed on each record. For example, it's possible to have a single transaction both add and subtract points from the same User record.

Royal will re-order the addition/subtraction operations in such a way that:

  • Records will be modified in a deterministic order, to avoid deadlocks
  • If a single record has both addition and subtraction operations, addition will be performed first

Just like when adding or subtracting points from a single record, the transaction interface allows you to specify a reason or associated pointable record.

trade = Trade.find(...) # Some hypothetical trade record.

transaction.add_points(user1, 100, reason: 'Trade from User 2', pointable: trade)
transaction.subtract_points(user2, 100, reason: 'Trade to User 1', pointable: trade)

The transaction add_points and subtract_points methods also return the transaction object, so it's also possible to chain these method calls together if desired:

  .add_points(user1, 100)
  .subtract_points(user2, 100)

Future Functionality and Wishlist

  • Support multiple types of points per model
  • Add RSpec matchers to assist in testing
  • Improve documentation and examples


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at