Rsensors is a simple Ruby app to notify CPUs and hard disks temperatures
It's distributed as a Ruby gem to notify your computer's and hard disks temperature using the system's notifications. Mind that hard disks commands may need admin privileges or run as superuser So the following command could fix the problem to use the ''hddtemp'' program without superuser privileges: $ chmod u+s /usr/sbin/hddtemp
$ gem install rsensors
$ rsensors # It will notify you of your computer's temperature
$ rsensors schedule # it will add a crontab task that will be active when the
# computer's and/or hard disks temperatures are too high
Tested on Fujitsu Lifebook E-750, Toshiba Tecra A-11 laptops with:
- Ubuntu 14.04 - Cinnamon
- Guadalinex 9 rc2 - Cinnamon
- Mint 19.3 Tricia - Cinnamon, Fluxbox (no system notification)
- GParted 3.5.3 - 25-12-12 - Lxde
- So it looks like is working good on Linux kernel above version 3
By now check following files for CPU & cores temperatures:
- /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/temp1_input -> CPU
- /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/device/temp2_input OR /sys/class/hwmon0/temp2_input -> Core 2
- /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/device/temp4_input OR /sys/class/hwmon0/temp2_input -> Core 4
Uses (required):