A rspec matcher for Rail's ActiveRecord, to check the type of models created from actions.
Add the gem to your Gemfile
gem 'rspec_create_model'
Example usage
Given the following records:
class Author < ActiveRecord::Base
attribute :name, type: :String
has_many :articles, dependent: :destroy
after_create :create_empty_book
def create_empty_book
Book.create!(author_id: id, title: "First Empty Book")
class Book < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :author, optional: false
attribute :title, type: :String
You can match created records like this:
expect { Author.create!(name: "Some author name") }.to create_model(Author)
expect { Author.create!(name: "Some author name") }
.to create_model(Author)
.and create_model(Book)
When the matcher is called, 2 instace variable get set: @created_record and @created_records
these variables includes the newly created records. You can also use them if you want, like this:
expect { Author.create!(name: "Some author name") }.to create_model(Author)
expect(@created_record).to be_a(Author)
expect(@created_records).to all(be_a(Author))
including the created records, you also could write tests on their content.
Remember to checkout the Gem's specs to see how to use it!
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
About Monade
rspec_create_model is maintained by mònade srl.
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