Simple Random Token Generator for general purpose.
require 'rtoken'
# Generates a random 8 length token with letters and numbers
puts RToken.rtoken
Install the gem:
gem install rtoken
require 'rtoken'
# Generates a random 16 length token with letters and numbers
# and some special chars
RToken.rtoken(:size => 16, :special_chars => '!@#$%')
# Generates a random 32 length token with ONLY letters
RToken.rtoken(:size => 32, :numeric => false)
# Generates a random token with all lowercase chars
RToken.rtoken(:size => 32, :numeric => false, :lowercase => true)
It is possible to create an instance with predefined options
require 'rtoken'
rtkn = RToken.new(:size => 10, :special_chars => '+-*/')
# All subsequent calls will keep the same options
rtkn.rtoken #=> Random 10 length token with special chars
# It is possible to make individual changes
rtkn.rtoken :size => 4 #=> Random 4 length token with special chars
rtkn.rtoken 4 # Less verbose fashion
Command line
RToken include interface for command line token generation.
It's handfull for creation of password, secret keys, etc.
Usage: rtoken [options]
-s, --size TOKEN_SIZE token size (default 8)
-U, --uppercase only uppercase chars (default false)
-l, --lowercase only lowercase chars (default false)
-n, --[no]-numeric allow numeric chars [0-9] (default true)
-p, --special CHARS include special chars
-c, --clipboard copy token to the clipboard (default false)
-h, --help show this message