

Repository is archived
No release in over 3 years
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RUBG is a Ruby wrapper for the official PUBG API.


~> 1.16
~> 5.0
~> 10.0


~> 0.16.2
~> 2.1.0
~> 1.0.0
 Project Readme


Gem Version

RUBG is an unofficial Ruby PUBG API wrapper.

RUBG attempts to be fairly comprehensive and provide abstraction from the PUBG API while remaining consistent enough that the offical PUBG API documentation is still useful.


Development is very much in-progress. Note that breaking changes with new releases will be semi-frequent until initial development is complete (~1.0.0).


  • The /status endpoint is fully functional.
  • The /players endpoint is mostly functional. Queries may be performed, and player objects returned.
  • The /matches endpoint is fully funtional. Match, roster, and participant data and stats are available with getter methods.


  1. Telemetry
  2. cross-object lookup convenience methods (ie. player.matches.fetch_latest or similar)

At some point in there I need to get testing coverage up to date.

Note: xbox shards may not work correctly - only pc is currently tested. If you encounter issues pulling data from Xbox shards please log an issue and I will address.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rubg'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rubg


API Lookups

Most lookup methods take a hash as argument.

Base Class        # Convenience alias for
RUBG.shards     # Reference for available PUBG platform/region shards

Create a Client

First, create a client and provide your API key:

client ={:api_key =>"your-api-key-here"})

The client object is used to make requests. If no key is added the gem will try and find it at ENV['PUBG_API_KEY'].

All responses are gzip that is parsed to json on receipt for faster transmission. At this timne this is not configurable, but should be transparent.

The response will contain either a top level object called 'errors' if unsuccessful.

response.errors      # [{"title"=>"Not Found", "detail"=>"No players found matching criteria"}]

/status Endpoint

Check the PUBG API status and version:

client.status.alive?         # true/false
client.status.version        # "v8.1.2"
client.status.released_at    # "2018-04-01T18:00:20Z"

/players Endpoint

.players takes two arguments: :shard and :query_params


  • Specify the shard to retreieve data from. If none is specified, "pc-na" will be used as default.

:query_params - a hash containing any query options. For .players, the hash should contain one of the following options:

  • :player_names - Comma-separated list of players to search for. Names are case-sensitive.
  • :player_ids - Comma-separated list of player IDs to search for.

Note: If neither player_ids nor player_names are included in query_params no results will be returned - at least one name or Id must be present. The maximum in one request is currently 6.

args = {:shard => "pc-na", :query_params => {:player_names => "shroud,JoshOG,PlayerUnknown"}}
response = client.players(args)
response.players     # collection of player objects

response.response_ts            # Time object containing date/time of response
response.ratelimit              # Returns the max rate limit/min for your API key.
response.ratelimit_remaining    # Returns the number of requests your API key has remaining before hitting the ratelimit.
response.ratelimit_reset        # Timestamp of ratelimit reset as Integer (Epoch seconds).
response.ratelimit_reset_in     # Seconds until ratelimit reset.

/players/{:id} Endpoint

.player is similar to .players, but looks up only a single player by player_id only.


  • Specify the shard to retreieve data from. If none is specified, "pc-na" will be used as default.

:query_params - a hash containing any query options. For .player, the hash must contain:

  • :player_id - Player ID to search for.
args = {:shard => "pc-na", :query_params => {:player_id => "shroud"}}
response = client.player(args)

response.response_ts            # Time object containing date/time of response
response.ratelimit              # Returns the max rate limit/min for your API key.
response.ratelimit_remaining    # Returns the number of requests your API key has remaining before hitting the ratelimit.
response.ratelimit_reset        # Timestamp of ratelimit reset as Integer (Epoch seconds).
response.ratelimit_reset_in     # Seconds until ratelimit reset.

/matches/{:id} Endpoint

.match looks up a single match by match_id only.


  • Specify the shard to retreieve data from. If none is specified, "pc-na" will be used as default.

:query_params - a hash containing any query options. For .match, the hash must contain:

  • :match_id - Player ID to search for.
args = {:shard => "pc-na", :query_params => {:match_id => "match-id-here"}}
response = client.match(args)

response.response_ts            # Time object containing date/time of response
response.ratelimit              # Returns the max rate limit/min for your API key.
response.ratelimit_remaining    # Returns the number of requests your API key has remaining before hitting the ratelimit.
response.ratelimit_reset        # Timestamp of ratelimit reset as Integer (Epoch seconds).
response.ratelimit_reset_in     # Seconds until ratelimit reset.

RUBG Classes


Retrieved from .players or .player.        #"shroud"
player.first.player_id   #"account.d50fdc18fcad49c691d38466bed6f8fd"
player.first.match_ids   # returns array of all match IDs for the player in the last 14 days
player.shard             # Shard the player was retrieved from
player.stats             # Not currently in use


Retrieved from .match.

match.match_id                      # Unique match ID
match.created                       # Match creation time
match.duration                      # Match duration in seconds
match.mode                          # Match gamemode ("squad-fpp", "tequilafpp")                           # Miramar or Erangel
match.shard                         # Shard the match was played on
match.stats                         # Not currently in use
match.telemetry_id                  # ID for match telemetry file
match.telemetry_link                # Link to match telemetry file

match.participants                  # Collection of RUBG::Participant objects for all participants in the match.
match.rosters                       # Collection of RUBG::Response objects for all rosters in the match.                       # Retrieves the RUBG::Roster object for the winning team.

match.player_count                  # Count of players in the match.
match.roster_count                  # Count of teams in the match.
match.names                         # List of names for all players in the match.
match.survived                      # Collection of RUBG::Participant objects for players alive at the end.
match.dbnos                         # Total non-lethal knockdowns. (down but not outs) Alias: .knocks
match.assists                       # Total assists.
match.boosts                        # Total boosts used.
match.damage_dealt                  # Total damage dealt.
match.damage_dealt_avg              # Avg damage dealt per player.
match.headshot_kills                # Total headshot kills.
match.heals                         # Total heals used.
match.kills                         # Total kills by players.
match.ride_distance_avg             # Avg distance traveled in vehicle per player.
match.revives                       # Total revives from downed state.
match.road_kills                    # Total road kills.
match.team_kills                    # Total team kills.
match.time_survived_avg             # Avg time survived per player in seconds.
match.vehicle_destroys              # Total vehicle destroys.
match.walk_distance_avg             # Avg walk distance per player.
match.weapons_acquired              # Total weapons acquired. Always 0 at present.


Retrieved from .match and available in .rosters method. Not available as an independent resource.

match.rosters[0].roster_id                     # Unique roster ID
match.rosters[0].shard                         # Shard the match was played on
match.rosters[0].team_id                       # Randomly assigned integer identifying the roster during the match.
match.rosters[0].rank                          # Roster placement at end of match.
match.rosters[0].won                           # true/false
match.rosters[0].size                          # Count of participants in roster.

match.rosters[0].participants                  # Collection of RUBG::Participant objects for roster members.

match.rosters[0].names                         # List of names for all players on the roster.
match.rosters[0].survived                      # Collection of RUBG::Participant objects roster members alive at the end.
match.rosters[0].dbnos                         # Total non-lethal knockdowns. (down but not outs) Alias: .knocks
match.rosters[0].assists                       # Total assists by roster.
match.rosters[0].boosts                        # Total boosts used by roster.
match.rosters[0].damage_dealt                  # Total damage dealt by roster.
match.rosters[0].damage_dealt_avg              # Avg damage dealt per player.
match.rosters[0].headshot_kills                # Total headshot kills by roster.
match.rosters[0].heals                         # Total heals used by roster.
match.rosters[0].kills                         # Total kills by roster.
match.rosters[0].ride_distance                 # Total distance traveled in vehicle by roster.
match.rosters[0].ride_distance_avg             # Avg distance traveled in vehicle per player.
match.rosters[0].revives                       # Total teammate revives from downed state by roster.
match.rosters[0].road_kills                    # Total road kills by roster.
match.rosters[0].team_kills                    # Total team kills by roster.
match.rosters[0].time_survived                 # Total time survived by roster in seconds.
match.rosters[0].time_survived_avg             # Avg time survived per player in seconds.
match.rosters[0].vehicle_destroys              # Total vehicle destroys by roster.
match.rosters[0].walk_distance                 # Total walk distance by roster.
match.rosters[0].walk_distance_avg             # Avg walk distance by roster per player.
match.rosters[0].weapons_acquired              # Total weapons acquired by roster. Always 0 at present.


Retrieved from .match and available in .participants or .rosters[].participants methods. Not available as an independent resource. Match-specific stats for a player.

match.participants[0].participant_id                # Unique participant ID
match.participants[0].shard                         # Shard the match was played on

match.participants[0].dbnos                         # Total non-lethal knockdowns. (down but not outs) Alias: .knocks
match.participants[0].assists                       # Total assists by participant.
match.participants[0].boosts                        # Total boosts used by participant.
match.participants[0].damage_dealt                  # Total damage dealt by participant.
match.participants[0].damage_dealt                  # Total damage dealt by participant.
match.participants[0].headshot_kills                # Total headshot kills by participant.
match.participants[0].heals                         # Total heals used by participant.
match.participants[0].kill_placement                # Kill placement vs other platers.
match.participants[0].kill_streaks                  # Total kill streaks by participant.
match.participants[0].kills                         # Total kills by participant.
match.participants[0].longest_kill                  # Distance of longest kill by player.
match.participants[0].most damage                   # Always seems to be 0, unknown.
match.participants[0].name                          # Participant name.
match.participants[0].player_id                     # Unique player ID for participant.
match.participants[0].revives                       # Total teammate revives from downed state by participant.
match.participants[0].ride_distance                 # Total distance traveled in vehicle by roster.
match.participants[0].road_kills                    # Total road kills by roster.
match.participants[0].team_kills                    # Total team kills by roster.
match.participants[0].time_survived                 # Total time survived by roster in seconds.
match.participants[0].vehicle_destroys              # Total vehicle destroys by roster.
match.participants[0].walk_distance                 # Total walk distance by roster.
match.participants[0].weapons_acquired              # Total weapons acquired by roster. Always 0 at present.

match.participants[0].kill_ranking_before...........# Kill ranking before match.
match.participants[0].kill_ranking_gained...........# Kill ranking gain or loss.
match.participants[0].win_ranking_before........... # Win ranking before match.
match.participants[0].win_ranking_gained........... # Win ranking gain or loss.
match.participants[0].overall_ranking_gained........# Overall ranking gained.


Offical PUBG API Documentation

Official PUBG API Developer Resources

Official PUBG API Discord

Unofficial PUBG Developer Wiki


Bug reports are welcome on GitHub at Given that I am using this as a teaching tool for myself I will not be accepting contributions for the time being - this may change in future. That said, feel free to fork the repository and update it yourself as you'd like.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.