Algorithms and data structures implemented on pure Ruby.
gem install ruborithms
Require library:
require 'ruborithms'
Linear Search
class Array; include Ruborithms::Algorithms::LinearSearch; end
Linear search can now be used as a class singleton method:
irb(main):006:0> Array.linear_search([1, 55, 22, 44], 55)
=> 1
Or in the instance context:
irb(main):007:0> [1, 55, 22, 44].linear_search(55)
=> 1
Binary Search
class Array; include Ruborithms::Algorithms::BinarySearch; end
Binary search can now be used as a class singleton method:
irb(main):008:0> Array.binary_search([1, 55, 22, 44], 55)
=> 1
Or in the instance context:
irb(main):009:0> [1, 55, 22, 44].binary_search(55)
=> 1
Selection Sort
class Array; include Ruborithms::Algorithms::SelectionSort; end
Binary search can now be used as a class singleton method:
irb(main):017:0> Array.selection_sort([1, 55, 22, 44])
=> [1, 22, 44, 55]
Or in the instance context:
irb(main):019:0> [1, 55, 22, 44].selection_sort
=> [1, 22, 44, 55]