LZMA Ruby bindings
Simple LZMA compression and decompression routines. No features to speak of presently. Works in Ruby 1.8.6+, Ruby 1.9.1+, JRuby 1.4.1+, and MacRuby 0.6+. All versions are compatible with each other, and with other LZMA implementations.
Send questions to mailto:ian@ianlevesque.org
Installation (MRI)
gem install ruby-lzma
git clone http://github.com/ianlevesque/ruby-lzma.git
cd ruby-lzma
rake install
Installation (JRuby)
jruby -S gem install ruby-lzma
Installation (MacRuby)
macgem install ruby-lzma
Compressing String Data:
require 'lzma'
compressed = LZMA.compress('data to compress')
Decompressing String Data:
require 'lzma'
decompressed = LZMA.decompress(File.read("compressed.lzma"))