Ruby-MacroDroid: Using RemoteDroid::Control
require 'ruby-macrodroid'
rdc = '28fbcc0d-2c66-1d3e-ae4c-53bd75db3ace')
rdc.export 'ftp://user:secret@phone.home:2221/Downloads/m3009.mdr'
# before running the next command, ensure you have manually exported the
# file into MacroDroid
In the above example the RemoteDroid::Control class is used to remotely control the torch function on an Android device to either on or off.
In order for this to work the following steps must be met:
- The Android device has MacroDroid installed
- The correct deviceid for the give MacroDroid installation is used. Try Creating a webhook trigger manually to find out your deviceid
- The JSON file containing the macros generated by RemoteDroid::Control is manually exported to MacroDroid
- Both the Android device and the machine to control the Android device are both connected to the internet.
macrodroid remote remotecontrol
Ruby-MacroDroid: Reading a MacroDroid JSON file
require 'macrodroid'
file = 'm1809.mdr'
s = 'ftp://user:password@phone.home:2221/Download/' + file
droid = s
puts droid.to_s(colour: true)
In the above example a MaroDroid JSON file is downloaded from the phone and read using the Ruby-MacroDroid gem.
- An FTP server was installed and running on the phone for this to work. Alternatively you could transfer the file from the phone to your computer manually
macrodroid import read open load
Ruby-MacroDroid: Creating a Geofence trigger
require 'ruby-macrodroid'
s = "
g: Home
coordinates: 55.942445,-3.143624
radius: 300
g: Abercorn Crescent
coordinates: 55.951543,-3.146184
radius: 300
m: Home again
t: Geofence Entry (home)
a: Enable Wifi
droid =
File.write '/home/james/homegeo3.mdr', droid.to_json
The above example creates a MacroDroid macro which switches the phone's wifi on whenever it enters the geofence zone.
- After importing the macro into MacroDroid the Geofence Entry requires you to select the zone manually. Once that is done, future macros should work without having to manually confirm the existing geofence zone
- The home coordinates in this example are obviously not the coordinates for my actual home address.
macrodroid macro geofence trigger wifi zone gps
Ruby-MacroDroid: Using a constraint within a macro
require 'ruby-macrodroid'
s ="
m: popup test
t: at 21:30 on Wed
a: message popup: hello world
c: airplane mode enabled
File.write '/home/james/m243.mdr',
In the above example a constraint has been added to the macro which states that the macro will not execute unless the device has Airplane mode enabled.
macrodroid macro constraint
Using Ruby-MacroDroid and ProjectSimulator together
require 'projectsimulator'
require 'ruby-macrodroid'
s ="
m: popup test
t: at 7:30am on Mon, Tue, Wed
a: message popup: hello world
md =
ps =
$env = {}
$env[:time] = Time.parse '7:29am'
ps.trigger :timer
#=> []
$env[:time] = Time.parse '7:30am'
ps.trigger :timer
#=> ["notifications/toast: hello world"]
The above example demonstrates using the Ruby-MacroDroid gem with the ProjectSimulator gem to simulate the trigger of a macro at a specific time. The "notifications/toast" topic refers to the style of notification. In this case a popup toaster message is intended to be displayed.
macrodroid simulator projectsimulator macro simulate test
Ruby-macrodroid: Creating a macro from plain text
require 'ruby-macrodroid'
s ="
m: popup test
t: at 7:30am on Mon, Tue
a: message popup: hello world
File.write '/home/james/m24.mdr',
In the above example, a macro called 'popup test' is created which triggers at 7:30am, every Monday and Tuesday, and displays the popup message 'hello world'.
macrodroid macro popup
Ruby-Macrodroid: Configuring a Macro using the TimerTrigger and ToastAction
require 'ruby-macrodroid'
droid =
# Create a new macro
macro =
# Configure the timer to trigger at 7:30am on a Monday and Tuesday
h = {
days_of_week: [true, true, false, false, false, false, false],
hour: 7,
minute: 30
# Create the Day/Time Trigger
trigger = h
macro.add trigger
# Create the Popup Message
action = message_text: 'hello world!'
macro.add action
droid.add macro
# Save the macro
File.write '/home/james/m2020.mdr', droid.to_json
The above snippets creates a Macrodroid macro including a Day/Time trigger which runs at 7:30 on Monday and Tuesday, and a Popup message action which display the message 'hello world!'.
macrodroid macro android
Browsing the MacroDroid macros using the ruby-macrodroid gem
require 'ruby-macrodroid'
droid = '/home/james/mymacros.mdr', debug: true
puts droid.to_h.pretty_inspect
Sample output
{"cellTowerGroups"=>[], "cellTowersIgnore"=>[], "drawerConfiguration"=> {"drawerItems"=>[], "backgroundColor"=>-1, "headerColor"=>-12692882, "leftSide"=>false, "swipeAreaColor"=>-7829368, "swipeAreaHeight"=>20, "swipeAreaOffset"=>40, "swipeAreaOpacity"=>80, "swipeAreaWidth"=>14, "visibleSwipeAreaWidth"=>0}, "variables"=>[], "userIcons"=>[], "macroList"=> [{"localVariables"=> [{"m_stringValue"=>"55.9292432,-3.127153", "m_name"=>"gps123", "m_decimalValue"=>0.0, "isLocal"=>true, "m_booleanValue"=>false, "excludeFromLog"=>false, "m_intValue"=>0, "m_type"=>2}], "m_actionList"=> [{"m_constraintList"=>[], "m_isOrCondition"=>false, "m_isDisabled"=>false, "m_simId"=>0, "m_outputChannel"=>5, "m_oldVariableFormat"=>true, "m_email"=>"", "m_variable"=> {"m_stringValue"=>"55.9292432,-3.127153", "m_name"=>"gps123", "m_decimalValue"=>0.0, "isLocal"=>true, "m_booleanValue"=>false, "excludeFromLog"=>false, "m_intValue"=>0, "m_type"=>2}, "m_classType"=>"ShareLocationAction", "m_SIGUID"=>-5922099493900720560}, {"m_constraintList"=>[], "m_isOrCondition"=>false, "m_isDisabled"=>false, "m_destination"=>"", "m_message"=>"locateme/[lv=gps123]", "m_port"=>1024, "m_classType"=>"UDPCommandAction", "m_SIGUID"=>-8039007008301146494}], "m_category"=>"Uncategorized", "m_triggerList"=> [{"m_constraintList"=>[], "m_isOrCondition"=>false, "m_isDisabled"=>false, "fakeIcon"=>2131230995, "identifier"=>"incoming123", "m_classType"=>"WebHookTrigger", "m_SIGUID"=>-8047094238669100337}], "m_constraintList"=>[], "m_description"=>"", "m_name"=>"locateme", "m_excludeLog"=>false, "m_GUID"=>-4795648784590462863, "m_isOrCondition"=>false, "m_enabled"=>true, "m_descriptionOpen"=>true, "m_headingColor"=>0}, {"localVariables"=>[], "m_actionList"=> [{"m_constraintList"=>[], "m_isOrCondition"=>false, "m_isDisabled"=>false, "m_destination"=>"", "m_message"=>"batterystatus: [battery]", "m_port"=>1024, "m_classType"=>"UDPCommandAction", "m_SIGUID"=>-7385497187551422543}], "m_category"=>"Uncategorized", "m_triggerList"=> [{"m_constraintList"=>[], "m_isOrCondition"=>false, "m_isDisabled"=>false, "fakeIcon"=>2131230995, "m_ssidList"=>["MyWIFI8046"], "m_wifiState"=>2, "m_classType"=>"WifiConnectionTrigger", "m_SIGUID"=>-5203256210821000491}], "m_constraintList"=>[], "m_description"=>"", "m_name"=>"test123", "m_excludeLog"=>false, "m_GUID"=>-5658339251678407814, "m_isOrCondition"=>false, "m_enabled"=>true, "m_descriptionOpen"=>false, "m_headingColor"=>0}], "notificationButtonBarConfig"=>"", "stopWatches"=>[], "notificationButtonLatestId"=>0, "exportFormat"=>2, "exportAppVersion"=>9089}
- ruby-macrodroid
macrodroid gem macro droid android json