No commit activity in last 3 years
No release in over 3 years
Ruby wrapper for the phpipam API


~> 1.14
>= 0
~> 10.0
~> 3.0
>= 0


 Project Readme


Gem Version Build Status

Important Note: GET actions have highest priority for development, but feel free to make a PR for the others.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'ruby_phpipam'

Or execute:

$ gem install ruby_phpipam



RubyPhpipam.configure do |config|
  config.base_url = "http://my.phpipam.server/api/my_app"
  config.username = "username"
  config.password = "password"



API Calls

In here you'll see the following:

instance_method()       What it does      What it returns
self.class_method()     What it does      What it returns


self.get(id_or_name)   Get section by ID or name           Section object
self.get_all()         Get all sections                    Array of section objects
subnets()              Get all subnets from the section    Array of subnet objects


self.get(id)          Get subnet by ID                    Subnet object
self.search(cidr)     Search for subnet by CIDR           Subnet object
usage()               Get usage statistics for subnets    Subnet object with usage statistics
addresses()           Get all addresses from the subnet   Array of address objects
first_free_ip()       Get first usable IP                 String
slaves()              Get inmediate slave subnets         Array of subnet objects
slaves_recursive()    Get all slave subnets               Array of subnet objects (Includes self)
first_subnet(mask)    Get first available subnet (CIDR)   String
                        for given mask
all_subnets(mask)     Get all posible subnets (CIDR)      Array of strings
                        for given mask


self.get(id)                          Get address by ID             Address object
self.get_by_tag(tagId)                Get addresses by tagId        Array of address objects
self.ping(id)                         Check status of address       Boolean telling if address is reachable
self.search(id, hostname, subnetId)   Searches for addresses by     Address object or array of address objects
                                        IP (in a specific subnet
                                        if given) or hostname
self.first_free(subnetId)             Get first usable IP           String
online?                               Check status of address       Boolean telling if address is reachable


self.get_all                    Get all VLANs                        Array of VLAN objects
self.get(id)                    Get VLAN by ID                       VLAN
self.search(number)             Searches for VLAN with number        Array of vlan objects
self.subnets(sectionId=nil)     Get subnets belonging to VLAN,
                                  filtered by SectionId if given     Array of subnet objects

Pending API endpoints

This are endpoints that aren't standarized into a method and a parsed response. You can still call them through RubyPhpipam::Query.get(...) and get the raw response.

Sections Endpoints

GET     /api/my_app/sections/custom_fields/   Returns custom section fields
POST    /api/my_app/sections/                 Creates new section
PATCH   /api/my_app/sections/                 Updates section
DELETE  /api/my_app/sections/                 Deletes section with all belonging subnets and addresses

Subnets Endpoints

GET     /api/my_app/subnets/{id}/addresses/{ip}/          Returns IP address from subnet
GET     /api/my_app/subnets/custom_fields/                Returns all subnet custom fields
POST    /api/my_app/subnets/                              Creates new subnet
POST    /api/my_app/subnets/{id}/first_subnet/{mask}/     Creates new child subnet inside subnet with specified mask
PATCH   /api/my_app/subnets/                              Updates Subnet
PATCH   /api/my_app/subnets/{id}/resize/                  Resizes subnet to new mask
PATCH   /api/my_app/subnets/{id}/split/                   Splits subnet to smaller subnets
PATCH   /api/my_app/subnets/{id}/permissions/             Sets subnet permissions (?grouname1=ro&groupname2=3&43=1)
DELETE  /api/my_app/subnets/{id}/                         Deletes Subnet
DELETE  /api/my_app/subnets/{id}/truncate/                Removes all addresses from subnet
DELETE  /api/my_app/subnets/{id}/permissions/             Removes all permissions

Addresses Endpoints

GET     /api/my_app/addresses/custom_fields/                Returns custom fields
GET     /api/my_app/addresses/tags/                         Returns all tags
GET     /api/my_app/addresses/tags/{id}/                    Returns specific tag
POST    /api/my_app/addresses/                              Creates new address
POST    /api/my_app/addresses/first_free/{subnetId}/        Creates new address in subnets – first available (subnetId can be provided with parameters)
PATCH   /api/my_app/addresses/{id}/                         Updates address
DELETE  /api/my_app/addresses/{id}/                         Deletes address (use 'remove_dns=1' parameter to remove all related DNS records)
DELETE  /api/my_app/addresses/{ip}/{subnetId}/              Deletes address by IP in specific subnet

VLAN Endpoints

GET     /api/my_app/vlan/{id}/custom_fields/              Returns custom VLAN fields
POST    /api/my_app/vlan/                                 Creates new VLAN
PATCH   /api/my_app/vlan/                                 Updates VLAN
DELETE  /api/my_app/vlan/                                 Deletes VLAN

VLAN Domains (L2 domains) Endpoints

GET     /api/my_app/l2domains/                    Returns all L2 domains
GET     /api/my_app/l2domains/{id}/               Returns specific L2 domain
GET     /api/my_app/l2domains/{id}/vlans/         Returns all VLANs within L2 domain
GET     /api/my_app/l2domains/custom_fields/      Returns all custom fields
POST    /api/my_app/l2domains/                    Creates new L2 domain
PATCH   /api/my_app/l2domains/                    Updates L2 domain
DELETE  /api/my_app/l2domains/                    Deletes L2 domain

VRF Endpoints

GET     /api/my_app/vrf/                    Returns all VRFs
GET     /api/my_app/vrf/{id}/               Returns specific VRF
GET     /api/my_app/vrf/{id}/subnets/       Returns all subnets within VRF
GET     /api/my_app/vrf/custom_fields/      Returns all custom fields
POST    /api/my_app/vrf/                    Creates new VRF
PATCH   /api/my_app/vrf/                    Updates VRF
DELETE  /api/my_app/vrf/                    Deletes VRF

Devices Endpoints

GET     /api/my_app/devices/                            Returns all devices
GET     /api/my_app/devices/{id}/                       Returns specific device
GET     /api/my_app/devices/{id}/subnets/               Returns all subnets within device
GET     /api/my_app/devices/{id}/addresses/             Returns all addresses within device
GET     /api/my_app/devices/search/{search_string}/     Searches for devices with {search_string} in any belonging field
POST    /api/my_app/devices/                            Creates new device
PATCH   /api/my_app/devices/                            Updates device
DELETE  /api/my_app/devices/                            Deletes device


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/AminArria/ruby-phpipam.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.