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Ruby Storm
Ruby Storm is a light-weight stand-alone object relational mapper wrapping the functionality of the Rails active record library into a light-weight tool.
You can use ruby storm to generate minimal applications with full support for active-record, migrations, basic model generation and an interactive console.
gem install ruby_storm
- Generating a new project
storm init my_new_project
cd my_new_project
You can edit the ./db/database.yml file to use alternate DB configurations. Read the ActiveRecord documentation for more details.
DB create/drop commands
storm db:create
storm db:drop
- Generating a new model (and migration in a project)
storm db:generate MyModel first_name:string last_name:string order:integer happy:boolean
- Performing migrations
storm db:migrate
- Rollbacks
storm db:rollback
STEP=5 storm db:rollback
- Version
storm db:version
- Update existing models
storm db:modify MyModel
Storm console
The storm console can be started from the project root directory and will auto-load all of your storm models.
storm console
Storm application
You storm app can function as a traditional c-style application and has a 'main' entry point in the generated application file. You can start your storm app by executing the following from the project directory.
storm start
You can add additional tasks to your storm application similar to Rake tasks. In the application file add a class function with the name of the task you wish to add. You can then execute that task from the command line with an optional number of arguments.
## In main app file.
def self.my_task(args)
print args
## From command line
storm app my_task arg1 arg2
# Outputs => ["arg1", "arg2"]