ruby_svg_image_generator is a great gem, created for you but specially for your web application users.
It is a SVG avatars generator gem based on themes which can be designed by users but also you can find some great pre-designed themes on it.
Demo App
We have implemented a demo app for you to try out: Demo App
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'ruby_svg_image_generator'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install ruby_svg_image_generator
Create a random svg image from selected theme
RubySvgImageGenerator.create_random(title, options={})
title: (String) Created SVG image name
options: (Hash)
- theme: (String) Theme where you get the random image
Example: RubySvgImageGenerator.create_random('awesome_random_avatar', {theme: RubySvgImageGenerator::T_MONKEY_AVATARS})
Create a random svg image from selected theme and save on the file system
RubySvgImageGenerator.create_random_and_save(filename, title, options={})
filename: (String): Created SVG image file name
title: (String) Created SVG image name
options: (Hash)
- theme: (String) Theme where you get the random image
Example: RubySvgImageGenerator.create_random_and_save('image.svg', 'awesome_random_avatar', {theme: RubySvgImageGenerator::T_LANDSCAPE_THEME})
Create an image from selected theme and specific values for parts
RubySvgImageGenerator.create(title, options={})
title: (String) Created SVG image name
options: (Hash)
- theme: (String) Theme where you get the image
- parts: (Array) Array of index of parts' values which compose the theme
Example: RubySvgImageGenerator.create('awesome_avatar', {theme: RubySvgImageGenerator::T_FACE_AVATARS, parts: [0, 1, 5, 0, 1]})
Create an image from selected theme with specific values for parts and save on the file system
RubySvgImageGenerator.create_and_save(filename, title, options={})
filename: (String): Created SVG image file name
title: (String) Created SVG image name
options: (Hash)
- theme: (String) Theme where you get the image
- parts: (Array) Array of index of parts' values which compose the theme
Example: RubySvgImageGenerator.create('face_avatar.svg', 'awesome_avatar', {theme: RubySvgImageGenerator::T_FACE_AVATARS, parts: [0, 1, 5, 0, 1]})
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.