Ruby module to easily generate openscad scripts
General Usage
Requirements: Ruby 1.9.3
Installation: gem install rubyscad
RubyScad is a ruby mixin module which provides functions which allow easy output of openscad scripts . To use simply "include" or "extend" the module into any class or module:
require "rubyscad"
module Test
extend RubyScad
def self.cone(base=5, height=10)
cylinder(r1: base, r2: 0, h:height)
cone(2, 4)
from command line:
print to standard output: ruby test.rb
generate file: ruby test.rb "test.scad"
require "rubyscad"
class Test2
include RubyScad
def initialize(args={})
@radius = args.fetch(:radius, 3)
def render()
print to standard output: ruby test2.rb
generate file: ruby test2.rb "test2.scad"
General Considerations
All arguments are passed as named hash values matching the openscad spec, exceptions are for functions fa, fs, fn, echo, include, and use (see below).
rubyscad:cube(size: 6)
Any hash values may be passed to functions (with the exception of the ones noted above) but openscad may or may not use these values
cube(openscadwontusethis: 5) will produce cube(openscadwontusethis = 5); nothing bad will happen here, the value will just have no effect -
$fn, $fs, $fa variables are passed without the '$'
openscad:sphere(4, $fn=12)
rubyscad:sphere(r: 4, fn: 12)
Ruby's math functions use radians, openscad uses degrees, for ease I've added a 'radians' function to the numeric class so the following is possible:
openscad: sin(15)
rubyscad: Math.sin(15.radians) -
All functions which take code blocks (union, difference, intersection, ...) can use the form "function() { code }" or "function()" with the following result:
the code:translate(x: 5) cube(size: 7)
would produce:
translate([5,0,0]) cube(size = 7);
the code:
translate(x: 5) { cube(size: 7) }
would produce:
translate([5,0,0]) { cube(size = 7); }
Openscad Functions:
openscad: $fa = 0.2;
rubyscad: fa 0.2
openscad: $fs = 2;
rubyscad: fs 2
openscad: $fn = 5;
rubyscad: fn 5
openscad: include <file.scad>
rubyscad: include_scad "file.scad"
openscad: use <file.scad>
rubyscad: use "file.scad"
openscad: echo(1,2,3);
rubyscad: echo 1, 2, 3
openscad: %
rubyscad: background
openscad: #
rubyscad: debug
openscad: !
rubyscad: root
openscad: *
rubyscad: disable
openscad: projection([args]) [{ code }]
rubyscad: projection([args]) [{ code }]
openscad: linear_extrude([args]) [{ code }]
rubyscad: linear_extrude([args]) [{ code }]
openscad: rotate_extrude([args]) [{ code }]
rubyscad: rotate_extrude([args]) [{ code }]
openscad: import([args])
rubyscad: import([args])
openscad: difference() { code }
rubyscad: difference() { code }
openscad: union() { code }
rubyscad: union() { code }
openscad: intersection() { code }
rubyscad: intersection() { code }
openscad: render([args]) [{ code }]
rubyscad: render([args]) [{ code }]
openscad: minkowski() { code }
rubyscad: minkowski() { code }
openscad: hull() { code }
rubyscad: hull() { code }
openscad: cube([args])
rubyscad: cube([args])
openscad: sphere([args])
rubyscad: sphere([args])
- In addition to the normal arguments d: can also be provided instead of r: to specify the diameter instead of the radius
openscad: polyhedron([args])
rubyscad: polyhedron([args])
openscad: square([args])
rubyscad: square([args])
openscad: circle([args])
rubyscad: circle([args])
- In addition to the normal arguments d: can also be provided instead of r: to specify the diameter instead of the radius
openscad: polygon([args])
rubyscad: polygon([args])
openscad: surface([args])
rubyscad: surface([args])
openscad: cylinder([args])
rubyscad: cylinder([args])
openscad: rotate([args]) [{ code }]
rubyscad: rotate([args]) [{ code }]
- In addition to specifying a: as a vector x:, y:, and z: can be used instead
openscad: translate([args]) [{ code }]
rubyscad: translate([args]) [{ code }]
- In addition to specifying v: as a vector x:, y:, and z: can be used instead
openscad: scale([args]) [{ code }]
rubyscad: scale([args]) [{ code }]
- In addition to specifying v: as a vector x:, y:, and z: can be used instead
openscad: mirror([args]) [{ code }]
rubyscad: mirror([args]) [{ code }]
- In addition to specifying v: as a vector x:, y:, and z: can be used instead
openscad: multmatrix([args]) [{ code }]
rubyscad: multmatrix([args]) [{ code }]
openscad: color([args]) [{ code }]
rubyscad: color([args]) [{ code }]
- Instead of color: being defined, r:, g:, b:, and a: can be provided
RubyScad Functions:
format_command(cmd_str, args={}, &block)
- an easy way to implement new openscad commands.
- cmd_str should be in the form "func_name(%<args>);"
- all arguments passed from "args" will be inserted into the string modifier
- if a block is passed it will output between { }
- outputs a new line
- outputs a '{' at the correct tab level
- outputs a '}' at the correct tab level
- outputs a '}' for every open block
- outputs a string at the correct tab level