rufus-doric¶ ↑
some Ruby lib at the intersection of Rails3, CouchDB and rufus-jig.
how does rufus-doric determine which Couch database to use ?¶ ↑
At first it determines which CouchDB server to use via this code :
def self.couch_url if defined?(Rails) # rails config/couch_url.txt return'config', 'couch_url.txt')).strip end if File.exist?('couch_url.txt') # current working directory return'couch_url.txt').strip end '' # the default end
Then the database is determined by calling Rufus::Doric.db(name)
p Rufus::Doric.db('mydb', :url_only => true) # => "" p Rufus::Doric.db('mydb', :env => 'camelia', :url_only => true) # => "" p Rufus::Doric.db('mydb', :env => 'camelia') # => #<Rufus::Jig::Couch:0x00000102325120 # @http=#<Rufus::Jig::Http:0x00000102324908 @host="", # @port=5984, @path="/toot_test", ...>...>
In summary, you only have to create a couch_url.txt file that contains the http:://{host}:{port} of your couch server. The rest is taken care of.
Rufus::Doric::Model usage¶ ↑
One document per instance.
class Item < Rufus::Doric::Model db :doric # in which db it goes (remember that an _env suffix is added) doric_type :items # 'doric_type' field _id_field :name # _id field is determined from field 'name' h_accessor :name h_accessor :supplier validates :supplier, :presence => true end
There is more, please look at the test/ directory to discover Model.
Rufus::Doric::OneDocModel usage¶ ↑
I use this for ‘users’ models.
class User < Rufus::Doric::OneDocModel db 'doric' doc_id :users h_accessor :locale h_accessor :email h_reader :password validates :password, :presence => true end
It places all the users in one document (whereas Rufus::Doric::Model has 1 document per instance/record).
Look at the test/ directory to learn more about OneDocModel.
Rufus::Doric::Value usage¶ ↑
Value is about Couch documents containing a single ‘value’ field (apart from _id and _rev)
class Tuples < Rufus::Doric::Value doc_id :tuples db :doric def to_s value.sort.join(' ') end end
and a document ‘tuples’ in the database ‘doric’ :
{ "_id": "tuples", "value": [ "alpha", "bravo", "charly" ] }
this can be done :
p Tuples.load.to_s # => "alpha bravo charly" tuples = Tuples.load tuples.value << 'borneo'! p Tuples.load.to_s # => "alpha borneo bravo charly"
Also :
tuples = '_id' => 'tuples', 'value' => %w[ alpha beta delta gamma ]).save! p Tuples.load.to_s # => "alpha beta delta gamma"
Rufus::Doric::Value and h_shortcut¶ ↑
Most of the time, I use Rufus::Doric::Value to store a hash of things :
class Misc < Rufus::Doric::Value doc_id :misc db :doric h_shortcut :product_lines h_shortcut :purposes end
with :
{ "_id": "misc", "value": { "product_lines" : [ "blue_coat", "ulticom", "znyx" ], "purposes": [ "stock", "non_stock", "replace", "rma", "loan" ] } }
then in my app, I just do
p Misc.product_lines # => [ "blue_coat", "ulticom", "znyx" ] p Misc.purposes # => [ "stock", "non_stock", "replace", "rma", "loan" ]
‘fixtures’ usage¶ ↑
Given a fixture tree
fixtures `-- test `-- doric |-- 69247b__picture.jpg |-- 69249__picture.jpg |-- product0.json |-- product1.json |-- users.json |-- users__jami.png `-- users__john.jpg
require 'rufus/doric/fixtures' Rufus::Doric::Fixtures.load('', 'fixtures/test')
will load the documents (and their attachements) into
credits¶ ↑
Claudio Petasecca Donati - for all his help Austin Ziegler @halostatue - for the mime-types gem
license¶ ↑