ruGGby - Gadu Gadu protocol client implementation in pure Ruby language
gem install ruggby
and in your Gemfile:
gem 'ruggby'
ruGGby is a Gadu-Gadu (Polish messenger similar to ICQ) protocol client, which allows you to:
- Login to your Gadu-Gadu account
- Set and change status and description
- Receive messages
- Send messages
- Perform callbacks on almost every event connected to GG handling
- Works with big GG numbers
- Works with polish letters and other UTF-8 characters
Let's start with a simple example:
Simple example
gg =
gg.login!(LOGIN, PASSWORD)
gg.message(RECEIVER_GG, 'this is a message')
So, what have we done? We've created an Gadu-Gadu instance client, logged in, sent a message and logged out. Easy enough ;)
Login in and login out
Log in/out process is fairly simple:
gg =
gg.login!(LOGIN, PASSWORD)
We can also pass two additional parameters to login! method:
- :status - initial GG status
- :description - initial GG description
So the "full" login would look like:
gg =
gg.login!(LOGIN, PASSWORD, :status => :busy, :description => '2Busy')
Updating status and description
Sometimes we want to update our status. In order to do so, invoke a change_status method with two parameters:
- status - status symbol
- description (optional) - optional description for status
The allowed statuses are:
- :available
- :busy
- :invisible
gg.change_status(:busy, 'I\'m so busy right now!')
Keeping ruGGby bot alive
To keep the bot working, just invoke the wait method and it will exit:
gg =
gg.on_new_message do |uid, time, message|
gg.message(uid, message)
gg.login!(LOGIN, PASSWORD)
By default RuGGby uses a RuGGby::Logger logger, which only prints output to console. However, you can replace it with any logger that support following methods:
- debug(message)
- info(message)
- error(message)
- fatal(message)
To do so, create an RuGGby::Client instance and assign your own logger:
require 'logger'
gg =
gg.logger ='gg.log', :weekly)
In order to change log level, just assing a new one like this:
RuGGby::Client.log_level = :error
RuGGby supports events, so you can assign your own events on demand. Events list:
- :read - event triggered on each read from RuGGby::Socket
- :ping - event triggered on each GG Server Ping
- :new_message - event triggered on new message receive
- :mark - event triggered when we send mark packet to GG Server
- :login - event triggered after login
- :create_message - event triggered after message has been send
- :change_status - event triggered after our status/description change
- :status_changed - event triggered after someone on buddy list change status
Each event block is triggered with parameters:
- :read(packet) - RuGGby::Packet instance (build using RuGGby::Packet::Factory)
- :ping - no parameters
- :new_message(uin, timestamp, message)
- :mark - no parameters
- :login - no parameters
- :create_message(uin, message)
- :change_status(status, description)
- :check_uin_status(uin)
In order to assign an action to an event, pass a block into events hash:
gg =
gg.actions[:new_message] = proc do |uin, created_at, msg|
# uin is a sender GG number (Integer)
# created_at - when message has been sent
# msg - String containing message
print "#{uin}-#{created_at}: #{msg}\n"
However most of the events don't need an action so you can use on_new_message method to assign a block:
gg =
gg.on_new_message do |uid, time, message|
gg.message(uid, message)
The :new_message event is triggered in a separate thread so the socket read process is still going. The above code will (after login!) return a message to it's sender.
To add a friend to a buddy list to listening his status you can:
gg.check_uin_status(uin) # to listen buddy initial status, move this line after 'on_status_changed'
gg.on_status_changed do |uin,status|
print "Friend #{uin} changed status to #{status}"
- Tests (currently there is no :()
- More sophisticated GG actions (friends, etc)
Note on Patches/Pull Requests
- Fork the project.
- Make your feature addition or bug fix.
- Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
- Commit, do not mess with Rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
- Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
Copyright (c) 2012 Maciej Mensfeld. See LICENSE for details.
Based on