s3aps¶ ↑
The “s3” bit of the name refers to Amazon’s S3 (simple storage service). The “aps” bit of the name is a reference to the taps gem that inspired this gem. Taps will push and pull data between remote and local databases. S3aps will push and pull files between S3 and the filesystem.
Usage¶ ↑
List the files in an S3 bucket and on filesystem
s3aps list
Copy files from S3 to filesystem
s3aps pull
Copy files from filesystem to S3
s3aps push
S3 Credentials¶ ↑
You can provide your S3 credentials either on the command line or in a YAML file. By default, S3aps will look for a file called s3.yml
in the current directory and then in a sub-directory called config
. If your YAML is somewhere else then use the --config
s3aps list --config my_s3.yml
It looks for the following values:
key (aliased as access_key_id)
secret (aliased as secret_access_key)
The YAML file might look like this:
bucket: foo key: 01234567890123456789 secret: abcdefabcdefabcdef
If your YAML file is separated into environments then you’ll need to tell it which one you’re interested in:
s3aps list --config my_s3.yml --env production
In which case, the YAML file might look like this:
staging: bucket: foo.staging key: 01234567890123456789 secret: abcdefabcdefabcdef production: bucket: foo.production key: 01234567890123456780 secret: abcdefabcdefabcdef
You can also define (or override) the credentials on the command line:
s3aps list --bucket foo --key 01234567890123456789 --secret abcdefabcdefabcdef
Synchronizing two S3 buckets¶ ↑
You can do this by pulling the files to the filesystem and then pushing them to a new bucket. For instance, if you have two environments setup in s3.yml
, you might do this:
s3aps pull --env production s3aps push --env staging
SSL¶ ↑
S3aps uses the http protocol on port 80. This is not configurable.
Sloppy Sync¶ ↑
This early version is satisfied that two files are synchronized if the file exists locally and remotely. That works for what I need it for right now. I don’t change files, just add new ones. However, I’d like to add an MD5 check too. I’d make that an option rather than the default because it makes it more time consuming.
It doesn’t attempt to delete files that shouldn’t be there. That would be useful and I am considering adding a --delete
option to do that. It’s also a little scary.
Hand Holding¶ ↑
It’s quite easy to write stuff to production. We should seek confirmation, like Taps does. Fortunately, that risk is mitigated a little by not having a delete feature. I guess we should make it a bit more cautious when we do have delete.
Performance¶ ↑
I only use this on a smallish bucket. Only a few thousand files and none more than a couple of Mb in size. It works very well in that situation. It does some non-scalable things like put a list of all the local and remote files in a couple of arrays so that it can quickly see what is different. At some point that is going to be a problem if you are dealing with lots of files.
Similarly, it copies the file by reading the whole lot and then writing it out again. That won’t work very well if you have files that are, say, 1Gb in size.
Meta¶ ↑
Written and maintained by Bill Horsman. Hat tip to Ricardo Chimal, Jr for inspiration with Taps. Thanks to Mikel Lindsaar’s RailsConf 2010 talk, Itch Scratching the ActionMailer API, for encouragement to contribute.
Released under the MIT License