Stand Alone Detector
This gem is created for simple addition of search by a certain parameter. Additionally sorting the records by the position of the search phrase in the parameter.
gem 'sa_detector'
How to use
Suppose there is a class named 'Document' with the parameter named 'title':
create_table :documents do |t|
t.string :title
t.string :annotation
Search only
You need to add searchable_by inside class.
# For search by one parameter
class Document < ActiveRecord::Base
searchable_by :title
# For search by multiple parameters
class Document < ActiveRecord::Base
searchable_by :title, :annotation
And then you can search using the following command:
Document.search_with params[:search_query]
Search and sort by only one parameter
TODO: add support for multiple parameters
You need to add searchable_and_sortable_by inside class:
class Document < ActiveRecord::Base
searchable_and_sortable_by :title
And then you can search and sort using the following command:
Document.search_and_sort_with params[:search_query]
The result is an array of found records, sorted by the positions of search phrase in the parameter.