____ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _
/ ___|| |_(_) ___| | __ __ _ / _| ___ _ __| | __ (_)_ __ (_) |_
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___) | |_| | (__| < | (_| | | _| (_) | | | < | | | | | | | |_
|____/ \__|_|\___|_|\_\ \__,_| |_| \___/|_| |_|\_\ |_|_| |_| |_|\__|
safit is a command line utility to send notifications. It can be used to notify when a long running command is finished for example. Because when your command is fully baked, its time to stick a fork in it.
safit is roughly short for (S)tick (a) (f)ork (i)n i(t).
- ruby version >= 1.9
- growl version >= 1.3
I'd be nice if this could be distributed as a stand alone binary or something. But since it's not...
$ gem install safit
Then run like:
$ safit
This should send growl a message saying "done".
If using rvm, this is a nice way to make the executable available globally (with rvm version 1.20.7):
$ rvm wrapper ruby-1.9.3@whatever --no-prefix safit
There are three ways to use this.
With default message
$ safit
This will send the message "done" to growl.
With custom message
$ safit notify MESSAGE
This will send MESSAGE to growl. A good use is for something like this:
$; safit notify "long running job is done"
This will send the message to growl when is done.
$ safit exec sleep 5
This will send a notification when the /bin/sleep
command is
A caveat If using the rvm wrapper, a command that also uses rvm probably won't work because it'll be run under a modified rvm environment.
Growl should work without any configuration if running on the mac with growl installed.
For sending growl notifications to a mac from a remote host, some
configuration is required. This can be done with a ~/.safitrc
file which is
in yaml format. Here's an example
# in ~/.safitrc
host: 'your_host_name'
passwd: 'your_growl_password'
See Growl and safit HOWTO for more info and tips.