This is an attempt to a mountable rails engine for SCORM RTE.
First, add the gem to your Gemfile.
gem 'scorm_rte', git: ''
And, bundle.
bundle install
Then, mount the engine to your application.
# Add this line to routes.rb
mount ScormRte::Engine, at: 'scorm_rte'
# Or, any custom mount point
mount ScormRte::Engine, at: 'this_is_soo_coool'
This will provide some actions to take care of the RTE.
/scorm_rte/stores # POST
/scorm_rte/stores/fetch # GET
# Or
/this_is_soo_coool/stores # POST
/this_is_soo_coool/stores/fetch # GET
Now, copy the migrations from the engine to the application.
[bundle exec] rake scorm_rte:install:migrations
[bundle exec] rake db:migrate
Make the javascript RTE available to the application
// Add the following line to application.js
//= require scorm_rte/rte
Or, you can add this line to config/initializers/assets.rb
Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w( scorm_rte/rte.js )
And, make it available to the subsequent views
<%= javascript_include_tag 'scorm_rte/rte' %>
Or, better still you can copy the RTE js to the application and handle it yourself
[bundle exec] rake scorm_rte:copy_rte
Well, almost done.!!! One last thing, that is to assign a unique ID to each instance of the SCO. This will be be used to query the db to keep track of everything that's going on at each User/SCO level.
Use the controller helper assign_sco_instance_id(sco_instance_id)
# This can be achieved in some way similar to this
class LmsController < ApplicationController
def launch_scorm_player
# Rest of the code follows
def sco_instance_id
- Add tests
Handle custom mount pointAllow export of RTE js to the host application for customization- Possibly implement error and diagnostics or, switch to TinCan perhaps :)
P.S. This README is still in it's primordial state (so is the gem) and will be refined in time.
This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.