Includes attributes for defining meta tags as well as Open Graph and Twitter cards.
Add the gem to your Gemfile:
gem 'scrivito_seo_page_extender'
Extend your models
Include the mixins you want to use in your individual page models:
class Page < Obj
include MetaDataExtender
include OpenGraphExtender
include TwitterCardsExtender
include SitemapExtender
Extend your details view
<%= render 'seo_page_extender/meta_data_details', obj: @obj %>
<%= render 'seo_page_extender/open_graph_details', obj: @obj %>
<%= render 'seo_page_extender/twitter_cards_details', obj: @obj %>
<%= render 'seo_page_extender/sitemap_details', obj: @obj %>
Partial Use of all atributes
Open Graph includes attributes which are not required everywhere. E.g. Video, Book or Music. In your details view, you can render the partials for the required attributes grouped by the types of Open Graph:
<%= render 'seo_page_extender/open_graph/base', obj: @obj %>
<%= render 'seo_page_extender/open_graph/article', obj: @obj %>
<%= render 'seo_page_extender/open_graph/books', obj: @obj %>
<%= render 'seo_page_extender/open_graph/profile', obj: @obj %>
<%= render 'seo_page_extender/open_graph/music', obj: @obj %>
<%= render 'seo_page_extender/open_graph/video', obj: @obj %>
Page specific
Some pages has a specific site_name
. You can define a method in your obj.rb to set one:
def self.open_graph_site_name
return 'my_page_name' # e.g. imdb
Extend your application layout
In your application layout, render the partials in the head
<%= render 'seo_page_extender/meta_data' %>
<%= render 'seo_page_extender/twitter_cards' %>
<%= render 'seo_page_extender/open_graph' %>
Setting defaults
The widget does not set any defaults for meta attributes. If you want to, you can do this easily using the default_for
def Page < Obj
include MetaDataExtender
default_for :meta_robots do |attribute, scrivito_user|
["noindex", "nofollow"]
Futher functionality
Sitemap attributes
The SEO sitemap attributes can be used in your sitemap.xml if you have one.
PagesInSitemap.each |page|
<%= page.sitemap_frequency %>
<%= page.sitemap_priority %>
Word density
To have the word density table displayed, render the partial for it. The type of the attribute whose value should be analyzed can be widgetlist
, string
or html
<%= render 'seo_page_extender/word_density', obj: @obj, attribute: :attribute %>
The gem includes a stop word list for English. If you require different stop words or stop words for different or additional languages, you can provide a method for retrieving the list in your obj.rb
# in obj.rb
def self.stop_word_list
if language == :de
The word density plugin lowercases your content. Therefore, the words in your stop word list need to be in lower case.
Google analytics
The partial, that adds the asnychronous implemetation of Google Analytics to your view, can be rendered like this:
<%= render 'seo_page_extender/google_analytics', key: 'your-googleAnalytics-key' %>
has been set to true
in this script.
The partial also brings in the function to set a opt-out cookie. You can then place a link on your page, which the visitor can use to set this cookie.
Use it with a simple link:
<%= link_to 'javascript:gaOptout()', 'Deactivate Google Analytics' %>
Create an additional alert window in the browser:
<%= link_to 'javascript:gaOptout()', 'Deactivate Google Analytics', onclick: "alert('Google Analytics has been deactivated.')" %>
Canonical link
By default, the canonical link is determined using scrivito_path
<%= render 'seo_page_extender/canonical_link' %>
If you need different canonical links, you can add the meta_canonical
attribute to your object classes and set the attribute values of the CMS objects to the desired link.
class MyObj < Obj
attribute :meta_canonical, :string
Add an initializer to activate automatic attribute mapping for titles and descriptions:
ScrivitoSeoPageExtender.configure do |config|
config.attribute_mapping = true
You can overwrite the default attribute mapping depending on your app in the obj.rb or define it on any obj class for diffenrent data sets:
def seo_attribute_mapping(obj)
og_title: obj.my_title,
og_description: obj.my_description,
og_image: obj.my_image
The key is an attribute from meta, open graph or twitter cards modules, the value is app specific. More detailed values like obj.my_title || obj.title || 'Fallback title'
are possible.
If you use the default details views provided in this gem, we recommend to activate Scrivito Advanced Editors to utilize the tabs used by this gem.
The following code represents the default localization for English. Copy it to your en.yml
and change it if necessary:
default_canonical_link: "Using <strong>%{link}</strong> as default."
meta_audience: 'Audience'
meta_author: 'Author'
meta_canonical: 'Canonical Link'
meta_copyright: 'Copyright'
meta_description: 'Description'
meta_keywords: 'Keywords'
meta_page_topic: 'Topic'
meta_page_type: 'Type'
meta_publisher: 'Publisher'
meta_robots: "Robots<small><a href='' target='_blank'>?</a></small>"
article_author: 'Open Graph Author'
article_expiration_time: 'Open Graph Expiration'
article_published_time: 'Open Graph Published'
article_section: 'Open Graph Section'
article_tag: 'Open Graph Tag'
book_author: 'Open Graph Author'
book_isbn: 'Open Graph ISBN'
book_release_date: 'Open Graph Release Date '
book_tag: 'Open Graph Tag'
music_album: 'Open Graph Album'
music_creator: 'Open Graph Creator'
music_duration: 'Open Graph Duration'
music_musician: 'Open Graph Musician'
music_song: 'Open Graph Song'
og_audio: 'Open Graph Audio'
og_description: 'Open Graph Description'
og_determiner: 'Open Graph Determiner'
og_image: 'Open Graph Image'
og_locale: 'Open Graph Locale <small>e.g. en_us</small>'
og_locale_alternate: 'Open Graph Locale Alternate'
og_title: 'Open Graph Title'
og_type: 'Open Graph Type'
og_type_article: 'Article'
og_type_book: 'Book'
og_type_music: 'Music'
og_type_profile: 'Profile'
og_type_video: 'Video'
og_video: 'Open Graph Video'
profile_first_name: 'Open Graph First Name'
profile_gender: 'Open Graph Gender'
profile_last_name: 'Open Graph Last Name'
profile_username: 'Open Graph Username'
video_actor: 'Open Graph Actor'
video_actor_role: 'Open Graph Role'
video_director: 'Open Graph Director'
video_duration: 'Open Graph Duration'
video_release_date: 'Open Graph Release Date'
video_series: 'Open Graph Series'
video_tag: 'Open Graph Tag'
video_writer: 'Open Graph Writer'
permalink: 'Permalink'
sitemap_frequency: 'Frequency of visits for bots'
sitemap_priority: 'Priority for Sitemap'
attributes_app: 'App attributes'
attributes_base: 'Base attributes'
attributes_player: 'Player attributes'
tc_app_country: 'Country'
tc_app_id: 'Store ID'
tc_app_name: 'App Name'
tc_app_url: 'Store URL'
tc_card: 'Card type'
tc_creator: '<h3>Creator <small>Twitter name of the creator of this page e.g. @gertimon</small></h3>'
tc_description: 'Description'
tc_image: 'Image'
tc_image_alt: 'Image Description'
tc_more_about: 'More about Twitter cards'
tc_player_dimension: 'Dimension'
tc_player_height: 'Height'
tc_player_stream: 'Stream'
tc_player_stream_content_type: 'Content Type'
tc_player_width: 'Width'
tc_site: '<h3>Site <small>Twitter name of the company e.g. @infopark</small></h3>'
tc_title: 'Title'
count: 'Count'
density: 'Density'
good_words: '%{count} good words on this page (words not in stop word list)'
single_words: 'Single Words'
three_words: 'Three word phrases'
two_words: 'Two word phrases'
word: 'Word'