This library assists in auditing a database for consistency.
Specifically, it aids in the setup/organization of auditor classes and adds a simple UI for viewing audit logs.
If you're using Rails 3.2.x, you must use version ~> 0.0.1 of this gem.
in Gemfile...
gem 'scrutanize'
Install the gem with
rails g scrutanize:install
This will copy a migration to your project and create two files:
- config/schedule.rb
Use this file to configure when you would like to run your audits. See for configuration options. By default it
will run all of the audits configured in `app/models/auditors`
once a day at 4:30 am.
Once you have configured the file to your liking, write the job to your
cron file by running `whenever -w`.
If you do not want to use cron jobs to run your audits, delete this file.
- config/initializers/scrutanize.rb
This file allow you to easily configure the back button in the audit reports view to redirect to a path of your choosing. By default it takes you to '/'.
It also has an option to override the results per page pagination.
Finally, mount the engine in your config/routes.rb
mount Scrutanize::Engine => "/scrutanize"
Creating Auditors
Create auditors in app/models/auditors
# app/models/auditors/contract_auditor.rb
class ContractAuditor < Scrutanize::Auditor
def records_to_audit
def valid_record?(contract)
def audit_error_message
"Contract does not have a dependency"
Configure each auditor by specifying the records_to_audit, what makes a record valid, and the error message to log should a record fail the audit.
Viewing Audit Logs
Whenever a record fails an audit, a entry is logged. These are viewable at 'scrutanize/audit_logs' by default but you can mount the engine where you like.
Audit logs can be deleted and undeleted.
Note: If you need to add authorization to the audit_logs views, then run
rails g scrutanize:views
which will copy over the controller and view files
for editing.