Seapig¶ ↑
Nothing here yet.
To cover:
what are seapigs and why they exist? (why not just having a db table?)
properties of seapig system
data is cached in memory
only diffs are sent
data is generated in separate processes
data gets regenerated on dependency change (immediately on db change)
describe current limits
one level deps only
single object can have at most one generation process running at all times
cache is dropped when last client unlinks
no client-side timeout detection
postgres only (but is that really a problem? ;))
graph of server/client side seapig object states
disclaimer on non-efficient code. it’s all a draft, a test of idea.
rails not needed
stuff will change
seapig = firebase for apps that need real db
works nicely with mithril
how to use this shit
dummy app is a minimal demo
bundle exec rails s
bundle exec ruby ../../bin/seapig-server.rb
bundle exec ruby ../../bin/seapig-worker.rb ws://
bundle exec ruby ../../bin/seapig-notifier.rb ws://
application.js needs: require seapig/seapig
application.js needs: require json-patch
ActiveRecord models that are used for triggering regeneration of data need:
and seapig_dependency_changed after commits