Docs to come soon. Until then, check out:
Simple Example
This scss example is equivalent to the less example on the front of that page:
@import 'grid';
$column-width: 60;
$gutter-width: 20;
$columns: 12;
#header { @include column(12); }
#article { @include column(9); }
#aside { @include column(3); }
@media (max-device-width: 960px) {
#article { @include column(12); }
#aside { @include column(12); }
Usage in Rails
To see this gem in action -
create a new Rails 3.1 or greater project
add this to the gemfile:
gem "semanticgs-rails"
add that above code snippet to a file: app/assets/stylesheets/layout.css.scss
fire up the rails app
use curl from a shell to grab the file:
Versioning Semantics
Since this is simply packaging up an existing asset, I will use the version number of the asset I'm packaging, adding a least significant digit for any modifications to this gem, for things like documentation, dependencies, etc.
The original asset is licensed under the Apache License, and that has been included in the vendor/assets/stylesheets directory as to be as close as possible to the original licensed work.
Thanks to Tyler Tate. I'm just packaging his work up here in a format that plugs into Rails.