Sensu plugin for monitoring the system's load average
A sensu plugin to monitor the system's load average
The plugin accepts the following command line options:
Usage: check-loadavg.rb (options)
-c, --critical <avg1,avg5,avg15> Critical if avg1/5/15 exceeds the current system load average (default: 16.0,12.0,8.0)
-w, --warn <avg1,avg5,avg15> Warn if avg1/5/15 exceeds the current system load average (default: 12.0,8.0,4.0)
The default warning thresholds are calculated as follows:
avg15 = processorcount * 2
avg5 = avg15 + 4
avg1 = avg5 + 4
The default critical thresholds are calculated as follows:
avg15 = processorcount * 4
avg5 = avg15 + 4
avg1 = avg5 + 4
Matteo Cerutti -