Sensu plugin for monitoring LSI MegaRAID devices
A sensu plugin to monitor LSI MegaRAID devices.
The plugin generates multiple OK/WARN/CRIT/UNKNOWN events via the sensu client socket ( so that you do not miss state changes when monitoring multiple controllers, enclosures, virtual disks etc.
System-wide installation:
$ gem install sensu-plugins-megaraid
Embedded sensu installation:
$ /opt/sensu/embedded/bin/gem install sensu-plugins-megaraid
The plugin accepts the following command line options:
Usage: check-megaraid.rb (options)
-C, --controller-id <ID> Comma separated list of Controller ID(s) (default: all)
-c, --storcli-cmd <PATH> Path to StorCLI executable (default: /opt/MegaRAID/storcli/storcli64)
--dryrun Do not send events to sensu client socket
--handlers <HANDLERS> Comma separated list of handlers
-w, --warn Warn instead of throwing a critical failure
Use the --handlers command line option to specify which handlers you want to use for the generated events.
Matteo Cerutti -