Sensu plugin for monitoring services running in Rancher
A sensu plugin to monitor the health state of services running in Rancher.
The plugin leverages the Sensu JIT clients feature ( to create a client for every Rancher service discovered. The client name is in the format: <stack_name>_<service_name>.rancher.internal.
It then generates for every instance (container) running in the service OK/WARN/CRIT/UNKNOWN events via the sensu client socket (, reporting whether the instance is not monitored (WARN), healthy (OK) or unhealthy (CRITICAL).
You can optionally disable monitoring for a service by placing in the rancher-compose service metadata the following:
monitored: false
The plugin accepts the following command line options:
Usage: check-rancher-service.rb (options)
--api-url <URL> Rancher Metadata API URL (default: http://rancher-metadata/2015-07-25)
--dryrun Do not send events to sensu client socket
--handlers <HANDLERS> Comma separated list of handlers
-w, --warn Warn instead of throwing a critical failure
Use the --handlers command line option to specify which handlers you want to use for the generated events.
In order to run this check, you might want to deploy a sensu-client running as a container in Rancher, acting as a "sensu proxy".
Matteo Cerutti -