SentiQL¶ ↑
A minimalistic Ruby wrapper for MySQL. I love using SQL for data selection, except for basic selects (e.g. finding something by id), I love using OM interface to create, update and delete records in the database and I love when lib is not “overcoded”. When you combine all this love, you get SentiQL.
Why SentiQL¶ ↑
I wanted to have a lightweight OM for my Sinatras’ apps, that wouldn’t add a thick abstraction layer and would allow me to be flexible.
SentiQL Philosophy¶ ↑
“Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler” - Albert Einstein.
Rule of Clarity. Clarity is better than cleverness. (Unix Philosophy)
Rule of Simplicity: Design for simplicity; add complexity only where you must. (Unix Philosophy)
Notice¶ ↑
This is REALY a work in progress, I wrote this lib during one evening after reading “Metaprogramming Ruby: Program Like a Ruby Pros”. It is less then 140 LOCs, so even if it is missing one or other thing, just open the sentiql.rb file and happy hacking.
Instalation¶ ↑
gem install sentiql
Features¶ ↑
OM to create, update and find by attribute
Prepared SQL statements, which automatically escapes input
Filters: before_save, before_create, after_save and after_create
Validations expressed in boolean logic
Automatic timestamps
Configuration¶ ↑
DB = :host=>'localhost', :username=>'username', :password=>'password', :database=>'db' ) DB.query_options.merge!(:symbolize_keys=>true) SentiQL::Base.connection = DB
Usage examples¶ ↑
u = User.create :name=>'tdurden', :password=>'project_mayhem'
# single attribute update u = User.find_by :name=>'tdurden' u.full_name = 'Tyler Durden' # multiple update put '/users' do @user = User.find_by :id=>params[:user][:id] @user.updated_attributes params[:user] end
# find by attribute u = User.find_by :name=>'tdurden' # select with SQL # "?" is replaced with escaped adequate value from params array sql = 'SELECT * FROM users WHERE name=?' u = User.first sql, ['tdurden'] # -> [ {:name=>'tdurden', :password=>'project_mayhem'} ] users = User.all 'SELECT * FROM users' # => Mysql2::Result {|u| u[:name] } #=> ['username1', 'username2']
Model¶ ↑
class User < SentiQL::Base set_table :users set_schema :name, :full_name, :email, :crypted_password, :salt, :created_at, :updated_at end
Using filters
before_save :create_salt, :encrypt_password, after_create :download_profile_image
Plus. I think it is wrong to put a thick abstraction layer on one of the biggest web application’s performance bottlenecks.
protected def create_salt self[:salt] = 'salt' end def encrypt_password self[:crypted_password] = "#{self[:salt]}#{self[:password]}" end def download_profile_image # ... end
... def validate name_not_blank? && name_not_longer_then?(20) end def name_not_blank? if self[:name] == "" || self[:name].nil? @errors << "Name can't be blank" return false end return true end def name_not_longer_then? max if self[:name].length > max @errors << "Name can't be longer then #{max} characters" return false end return true end
Licence¶ ↑
I have no idea about this sort of things.