Sermepa Gem for Rails
How to use (SOAP WebServices)
Add initalizer for sermepa configuration (config/initializers/sermepa.rb):
Sermepa.configure do |config|
# For testing
config.service_url = ""
# For production
config.service_url = ""
config.merchant_code = 'Here goes merchant code'
config.secret = 'Here goes secret'
config.terminal = '1' # Terminal code
config.currency = :EUR # Currency (:EUR, :USD, :GBP, :JPY)
config.raise_errors = true # If true will raise exceptions when error ocurrs
config.merchant_url = "Here goes callback URL"
You can add some aditional config for savon
Savon.configure do |config|
config.pretty_print_xml = false
Sending payment requests
# Timeout should be included
Timeout::timeout(20) {
Sermepa.pay_request(pan: params[:card_number],
cvv2: params[:cvv2],
expiration: expiration_date,
amount: amount,
order: oreder_reference)
Refunding payments
Timeout::timeout(20) {
Sermepa.refund_request(amount: amount,
order: reference)
- Sermepa::SermepaRemoteError
- Sermepa::SermepaPaymentError
- Sermepa::SermepaInvalidSignature
How to use (with Form)
Add initalizer for sermepa configuration (config/initializers/sermepa.rb):
Sermepa.configure do |config|
# For testing
config.post_url = ''
# For production
# config.post_url = ''
config.merchant_code = 'Here goes merchant code'
config.secret = 'Here goes secret'
config.terminal = '1' # Terminal code
config.currency = :EUR # Currency (:EUR, :USD, :GBP, :JPY)
config.merchant_url = "Here goes callback URL" # optional
config.url_ok = "Success url" # optional
config.url_ko = "Fail url" # optional
Adding payment form
Include form in view
<%= sermepa_payment_form amount, {options map} do %>
<%= submit_tag 'Send' %>
<% end %>
Or just:
<%= sermepa_payment_form amount, {options map} %>
Allowed options are:
- currency (optional)
- description (optional)
- titular (optional)
- order (defaults to current timestamp)
- transaction_type
- merchant_url (defaults to config)
- url_ok (defaults to config)
- url_ko (defaults to config)
- consumer_language (default spanish)
- merchant_code (defaults to config)
- terminal (defaults to config)