Welcome to Settings-js
Use application specific settings with Javascript.
As modern web applications rely more and more on javascript and frameworks like backbone/angular, it can be quite a hussle to maintain duplicate values in javascript and ruby.
is designed to work with different settings backends. As of today, only Settingslogic is supported.
Getting started
Add this to your Gemfile
gem 'settings_js'
Add the following to an initializer:
- Settings Backend (for the moment, only settingslogic is implemented)
- Settings Class used by the application
- List the keys that must be accessible in the javascript
SettingsJs.configuration do |config|
config.backend = 'settings_logic' # backend used
config.klass = Settings # your own settings class
config.keys = %w(hosts custom.keys) # imported keys
Load the Javascript file and access the Settings
// = require settings-js/settings
# => 'http://localhost:8080'
Once you've made your great commits:
- Fork settings_js
- Create a topic branch - git checkout -b my_branch
- Push to your branch - git push origin my_branch
- Create a Pull Request from your branch
- That's it!
is released under the MIT License.