Sexpir is a simple format for RTL circuit serialization.
Warning : experimental work-in-progress.
Sexpir aims at providing both a set of tools and a language-neutral expression of RTL traditionnal constructs, as found in :
- Traditionnal Hardware-description languages : VHDL and Verilog
- Recent Hardware DSLs like :
Basic assignments
(circuit HalfAdder
(input a bit)
(input b bit)
(output sum bit)
(output cout bit)
(assign sum (xor a b))
(assign cout (and a b))
Hierarchical composition
(circuit FullAdder
(input a bit)
(input b bit)
(input cin bit)
(output sum bit)
(output cout bit)
(component ha1 HalfAdder)
(component ha2 HalfAdder)
(connect a (port ha1 a) )
(connect (port ha2 sum) (port ha1 b))
(connect b (port ha2 a) )
(connect cin (port ha2 b ))
(connect (port ha1 sum) sum)
(connect (port ha1 cout) tmp1)
(connect (port ha2 cout) tmp2)
(assign cout (or tmp1 tmp2))
Behavioral statements
(circuit Counter
(signal sreset 1)
(signal enable 1)
(signal datain 1)
(signal dataout 8)
(signal count 8)
(signal rst 1)
(input sys_clk)
(input sys_rst)
(assign dataout count)
(combinatorial label
(if (== sreset 1)
(assign count 0))
(if (== enable 1)
(assign count (+ count datain))
(if (== sys_rst 1)
(assign count 0)
How to install
Sexpir tools are written in Ruby and hosted in both Github for development and RubyGem for distribution.
- gem install sexpir
Don't hesitate to drop me a mail if you like Sexpir, or found a bug etc. I will try to do my best to consolidate, maintain and enhance Sexpir, if people find it usefull.
jean-christophe.le_lann at