SFBATransitAPI provides a simple wrapper around Real-time Transit Data Services Application Programming Interface (API) sponsored by 511 in the San Francisco Bay Area. More detail can be found http://www.511.org/developer-resources_transit-api.asp.
How to use
Install the gem
> gem install sfba_transit_api
Register and get your secure token
Go to this website http://511.org/developer-resources_api-security-token_rtt.asp and get your token.
Create a new new client and query away
Assuming you put the token in an environment variable
require 'sfba_transit_api'
client = SFBATransitAPI.client ENV['SFBA_TRANSIT_API_TOKEN']
# When will the next MUNI bus 19 leave from the Polk and Sutter Station to go to
# Potrero Hill?
agencies = client.get_stops_for_route(agency_name: "SF-MUNI", route_code: "19", route_direction_code: "Outbound")
stops = agencies[0]["routes"][0]["route_directions"][0]["stops"]
my_stop = stops.find { |stop| stop["name"] =~ /Polk.+Sutter/ }
puts my_stop.stop_code
# => "16002"
puts client.get_next_departures_by_stop_code("16002")[0]["routes"][0]["route_directions"][0]["stops"][0]["departure_times"]
# => [5, 12]
Result format
Since this is a very thin wrapper around the API, minimal effort is applied in "reinterpreting" the result. Generally a response should look like the following, with agencies that have directions:
<Agency Name="SF-MUNI" HasDirection="True" Mode="Bus">
<Route Name="19-Polk" Code="19">
<RouteDirection Code="Outbound" Name="Outbound to Hunters Point">
<Stop name="Polk St and Sutter St" StopCode="16002">
"type" => "agency",
"name" => "SF-MUNI",
"has_direction" => true,
"mode" => "Bus",
"routes" => [
"type" => "route",
"name" => "19-Polk",
"code" => "19",
"route_directions" => [
"type" => "route_direction",
"name" => "Outbound to Hunters Point",
"code" => "Outbound",
"stops" => [
"type" => "stop",
"name" => "Polk St and Sutter St",
"stop_code" => "16002",
"departure_times" => [21, 36, 55]
or with agencies without directions:
<Agency Name="BART" HasDirection="False" Mode="Rail">
<Route Name="24th St. Mission" Code="587">
<Stop name="16th St. Mission (SF)" StopCode="10">
<Route Name="Daly City" Code="747">
<Stop name="16th St. Mission (SF)" StopCode="10">
"type" => "agency",
"name" => "BART",
"has_direction" => false,
"mode" => "Rail",
"routes" => [
"type" => "route",
"name" => "24th St. Mission",
"code" => "587",
"stops" => [
"type" => "stop",
"name" => "16th St. Mission (SF)",
"stop_code" => "10",
"departure_times" => []
"type" => "route",
"name" => "Daly City",
"code" => "747",
"stops" => [
"type" => "stop",
"name" => "16th St. Mission (SF)",
"stop_code" => "10",
"departure_times" => [ 15, 29, 42 ]
TODO (Read the test or code for now)
module SFBATransitAPI
# creates the client
# @param token [String]
# @param opts [Hash]
# @option opts [String] :api_endpoint default to "http://services.my511.org"
# @option opts [String] :path_prefix default to "/Transit2.0"
# @return [SFBATransitAPI::Client]
def client(token, opts={}); end
class Client
# get a list of transit agencies
# @return [Array<Hash>]
def get_agencies; end
# get a list of routes for a given agency
# @param agency_name [String]
# @return [Array<Hash>]
def get_routes_for_agency(agency_name); end
# get a list of routes for multiple agencies
# @param agency_names [Array<String>]
# @return [Array<Hash>]
def get_routes_for_agencies(agency_names); end
# get a list of stops for a given route
# @param route_info [Hash]
# @option route_info [String] :agency_name required
# @option route_info [String] :route_code required
# @option route_info [String] :route_direction_code optional if agency is direction-less
# @return [Array<Hash>]
def get_stops_for_route(route_info); end
# get a list of stops for multiple routes
# @param route_infos [Array<Hash>] see `#get_stops_for_route` for param info
# @return [Array<Hash>]
def get_stops_for_route(route_info); end
# get a stop with departure times
# @param stopcode [String]
# @return [Array<Hash>]
def get_next_departures_by_stop_code(stopcode); end
Note on tesing
There are a few tests that require hitting the real endpoint, which is currently
tagged as external
. To run the tests without these tests
> rspec --tag ~@external
or run it with your token
> SFBA_TRANSIT_API_TOKEN=[your token here] rspec
or simply add it to your .env file