Returns the number of shares for a link from
- Google+
- Delicious
- StumbleUpon
Listed on RubyGems
Issue reports, feature requests and pull requests welcome.
Spiritual successor to the Share Counts gem.
gem install share-counter
2.1.1 :001 > require 'share-counter'
2.1.1 :002 > url = ''
# get all
# note that facebook returns a hash
2.1.1 :003 > counts = ShareCounter.all url
=> {:reddit=>9, :twitter=>26329, :facebook=>{:commentsbox_count=>0, :click_count=>3870, :total_count=>73322, :comment_count=>13597, :like_count=>39899, :share_count=>19826}, :linkedin=>154, :googleplus=>2, :delicious=>5, :stumbleupon=>2087, :pinterest=>0}
# get specific networks
2.1.1 :004 > counts = ShareCounter.selected url, [:twitter, :linkedin]
=> {:twitter=>26329, :linkedin=>154}
# get one network
2.1.1 :005 > ShareCounter.twitter url
=> 25042