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Dashboards, articles, reports... can be models that users share. We help you to do it easily.


>= 3.2


>= 4.0.0
>= 4.0.0
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Shareable Models

Shareable models is a gem to share models between models. Is this strange? I will explain the functionality of this Gem with an example.

Imagine you have an awesome Rails app for a publisher with three models:

  • Author: it creates books.
  • Book: a world behind words.
  • Group: a group of authors.

An author can create many private books, but he wants to share it another author. Author class is a sharer, it can share and receive books. Books are things that can be shared, so they are shareable.

Another author wants to share its book with multiple authors, all of them form a Group. Share a book with all authors in the group can be bored. However, you can set Group as sharer and share the book with the entire group.

Shareable Models use polymorphic relations to allow you to share resources between multiple models with no limitations.


To use ShareableModels in your application, add this line to your Gemfile:

  gem 'shareable_models', '~> 1.0.0'

After add it, run bundle install.

Next you need to load migrations of this gem, so execute in your Rails application:

rake shareable_models:install:migrations
rake db:migrate

Last step is to set your classes as sharer or shareable. To do this include these methods at top of yout models. For example:

# File app/models/author.rb (sharer)
class Author < ActiveRecord::Base


# File app/models/book.rb (shareable)
class Book < ActiveRecord::Base
  # Owner define the creator of the book, to check edit/read permissions.
  # See next sections
  shareable owner: :author



A model can be sharer or shareable. This methods include some relations and add new methods to your class.


Set a model as sharer. A sharer can share and receive resources. It has edit permissions on a resource if:

  • It creates the resource (see Shareable)
  • Another sharer shares the resource with him and edit permission is true.

Importants methods defined by sharer (see sharer.rb for full documentation):

  • share(resource, to, edit): share a resource with another model (to). You can set edit permissions (false by default).
  • share_with_me(resource, from, edit): share a resource from another sharer to me.
  • can_edit?(resource): check if a model can edit a resource.
  • can_read?(resource): check if a model can read a resource.
  • throw_out(resource, sharer): throw out a sharer from a resource.
  • leave(resource): to leave resource. A creator/owner of a shareable resource can't leave it.
  • allow_edit?(resource, to): allow a model to edit a resource. If resource was never shared with model, a new relation is created.
  • prevent_edit?(resource, to): disable an user to edit a resource. If resource was never shared with model, relation won't be created.


Set a model as shareable. You need to specify what's the name of the relation to find 'owner' or 'creator' of this shareable model:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  shareable owner: :user
  # ...

Shareable models can be shared between sharers. Importants methods defined by sharer (see shareable.rb for full documentation):

  • share_it(from, to, edit): share the resource with from a model to another. You can set edit permissions (false by default).
  • editable_by?(from): check if resource is editable by given model.
  • readable_by?(from): check if resource is readable by given model.
  • throw_out(from, to): a sharer (from) throw out another (to) from a resource.
  • leave(sharer): sharer leaves resource. A creator/owner of a shareable resource can't leave it.
  • allow_edit?(from, to): a sharer (from) allow another (to) to edit a resource. If resource was never shared with model, a new relation is created.
  • prevent_edit?(from, to): a sharer (from) disable another (to) to edit a resource. If resource was never shared with model, relation won't be created.

Example of usage

# We start at scenario described at introduction: Author, Book and Group. Instanced models:
# * author1: it creates book1
# * author2: another author. Anyone shared book1 with it.

author1.can_read? book1         # -> true
author1.can_edit? book1         # -> true
author2.can_read? book1         # -> false
author2.can_edit? book1         # -> false

author1.share(book1, author2)   # -> true
author2.can_read? book1         # -> true
author2.can_edit? book1         # -> false

author1.allow_edit(book1, author2)    # -> true
author2.can_read? book1               # -> true
author2.can_edit? book1               # -> true


To contribute Shareable Models:

  • Create an issue with the contribution: bug, enhancement, feature...
  • Fork the repository and make all changes you need
  • Write test on new changes
  • Create a pull request when you finish


ShareableModels gem is released under the Affero GPL license. Copyright redBorder