sharing_tags is a gem for adding social sharing buttons to your Rails app.
Available for the following social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Odnoklassniki, Google Plus, Vkontakte, Line
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'sharing_tags'
Run the bundle command to install it.
After you install SharingTags and add it to your Gemfile, you need to run the generator:
rails generate sharing_tags:install
This gem is a Rails 4+ compatible engine and now automatically includes all the view helper modules into ActionView::Base
For the simplest way of using this gem, add this helper method to head in your views:
# generate meta tags for different social networks
= sharing_meta_tags
# render sharing buttons for networks
= sharing_tags_buttons :facebook, :twitter, context: :user
Usage example
# initializers/sharings_tags.rb
SharingTags.configure do
# global configuration
title "Global site title"
description "Global site description"
page_url { root_url }
image { image_url('img.jpg') }
# for switch context call `sharing_tags_context(:user)` in controller action
context :user do
title "User site title"
description "User site description"
page_url { profile_url }
Advanced configuration
# initializers/sharings_tags.rb
SharingTags.configure do
facebook do
app_id "APP ID"
twitter do
title "Twitter title"
description { "Twitter description" }
page_url "http://a.b"
image "http://img.jpg"
facebook do
title { "Facebook title" }
share_url { "http://c.d" }
image "http://img.png", "100x200", "image/jpeg"
google do
link_params utm_source: "google_source", utm_medium: "google_medium", utm_content: "google_content",
utm_campaign: "google_campaign", marker: "google_marker"
# for switch context call `sharing_tags_context(:user, @user, @photo)` in controller action
# or pass it in `sharing_tags_buttons context: [:user, @user, @photo]`
context :user do
title { |user, photo| "Hello #{}" }
description { |user, photo| I18n.t("sharing.description", gender: user.gender) }
image { |user, photo| photo.image.url }
twitter do
title "Twitter title"
You can subscribe to javascript events
# click on sharing link
jQuery(document).on "sharing_tags.click_action", ({network, context, target})->
# your code
# on start sharing
jQuery(document).on "sharing_tags.before_share", ({network, context, target})->
# your code
# on successful sharing
jQuery(document).on "sharing_tags.success_share", ({network, context, target, response})->
# your code
# on cancel sharing
jQuery(document).on "sharing_tags.cancel_share", ({network, context, target, response})->
# your code
# on success or cancel sharing
jQuery(document).on "sharing_tags.after_share", ({network, context, target, response})->
# your code
# on open sharing popup
jQuery(document).on "sharing_tags.open_popup", ({network, context, url, popup_window})->
# your code
Facebook sharing images 1200x630 and add mimetype and size Best way for sharing sharer provider, but after sharing you stay on the post page + big images - after sharing stay on the post page in FB browser - can check sharing result in response
fb_ui sharing everywhere
+ correct natively share in FB browser
+ return to page where called sharing
+ can check sharing result in responce
- small images in the posts
- have to create facebook application for app_id
- doesn't work for iOS Chrome browser
+ can redirect to another page after sharing
+ can check sharing result in responce
- small images in the posts
+ can change sharing info without changing meta tags
+ big images
+ can check sharing result in responce
- doesn't work in iOS FB browser
- long time for load external big image
Vkontakte sharing images 537x240
Twitter Summary card images must be at least 120x120px
Tools for testing
Facebook Debugger (
Google Structured Data Testing Tool (
- Fork it ( )
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create a new Pull Request
Copyright © 2015 Anatolii Kovalchuk. See LICENSE.txt for further details.