No release in over 3 years
Low commit activity in last 3 years
There's a lot of open issues
Utilities for friendly handling of Shibboleth/SAML2 metadata. Easily download and parse metadata XML into Ruby objects.


~> 1.0.0
~> 1.6.2
~> 2.7.0


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Shibkit::MetaMeta - Lazy Access To SAML Metadata

Gem Version


Shibkit::MetaMeta aims to provide lazy, friendly handling of Shibboleth/SAML2 metadata. Easily download and parse metadata XML into Ruby objects.

What is SAML Metadata? What is Shibboleth?

SAML2 Metadata is widely used in education to build access management federations

  • groups of trusted IDPs (login servers) and SPs (websites using the IDPs for authentication).

MetaMeta is the first part of Shibkit to be released. It does not require any of the other Shibkit gems to work but most of the others depend on it.

Why use Shibkit::MetaMeta?

There are few reasons to use MetaMeta if you are running an IDP or a simple authenticated website. However, if you are building a more advanced web application that needs to be aware of other entities in its federations then MetaMeta may be useful to you.

Features include:

  • Ready-to-use configurations and information for all major SAML federations (not actually complete yet)
  • Efficient download, caching and expiry of metadata, using ETag, Expires, Cache-Control and Last-Modified headers where available
  • Validation of metadata (also not complete but we're working on it)
  • Immediate access to metadata as XML or parsed Nokogiri documents
  • Conversion of metadata into convenient Ruby objects for Federations, Entities, Contacts and Organisations.
  • Easy storage of objects into databases for querying
  • Compatibility with JRuby and Java scripting - it may then be included in Java IDPs and other Java applications (not working yet)
  • Easy integration with non-Ruby applications: MetaMeta will act as a loader to build databases of entities for use by your Java, .Net, Python or PHP application.


Shibkit::MetaMeta provides a simple interface to data stored in SAML metadata files but does not include any persistence or query facilities, discovery protocol support, etc.

If you are planning to use SAML metadata within your application you might be better using Shibkit::Disco, a library that builds on Shibkit::MetaMeta to provide a SAML discovery framework. Most features of Shibkit::MetaMeta will still be available inside Shibkit::Disco. It will be available in early 2012.

I feel the same way about disco as I do about herpes. Hunter S. Thompson

If you don't fancy the heavier framework in Shibkit::Disco you can probably get what you need from Shibkit::MetaMeta, or use it in a framework of your own.


MetaMeta is still early in development so please bear the following in mind when using it:

  • Tests and API documentation are not complete. They will be completed before version 1.0.0.
  • The API may not be stable until version 1.0. If using Bundler please lock the version to avoid upgrades breaking your application
  • Full validation of metadata is not present yet. Do not use MetaMeta for security checks yet.
  • The mock 'dev' metadata is not valid or complete. We plan to eventually build some fully-functional example federations, but at present both UnCommon and Example federations are simple test mocks of certain parts of SAML2 metadata.
  • The source list of federations is far from complete.
  • For development and testing the provided lists should be fine but please DO NOT use the provided federation source lists in production without manually checking their contents or using your own edited version. Your federation will have its own guidelines for verifying their certificate and metadata, please read them and check that the certificate and source URL you are using are correct. Your chain of trust should not originate in a file on Github, even if the creators are nice people.
  • MetaMeta is using far too much memory when processing metadata XML.
  • MetaMeta is not compatible with JRuby yet (but we hope it will be)
  • Not yet tested on Windows, although it detects Windows and tries to compensate.



Shibkit::MetaMeta is available as a gem and should bring in most dependencies itself when installed. It does need a few of other things as well:

  • Ruby 1.8.7+ or Ruby 1.9.2+
  • Rubygems (not required but makes things much simpler)
  • LibXML2 (including LibXML2-devel on most Linux distros)
  • LibXSLT (including libXSLT-devel on most Linux distros)
  • Linux, Mac OS, *BSD, Solaris (Windows is unsupported at present)

As a released Ruby Gem


If you use RubyGems directly then simply type:

gem install shibkit-meta_meta

and require the gem in your code

require 'rubygems'
require 'shibkit/meta_meta'


Bundler users can add MetaMeta to their Gemfiles like this:

source ""
gem "shibkit-meta_meta"

then of course run bundle install on the commandline and require 'bundler' within your code.

It's a very good idea to immediately specify a gem version since MetaMeta is going to a little unstable for awhile, and there may be breaking-things API changes until v1.0.0.

Using the latest development version

If you'd like to use the very latest in-development version of MetaMeta, possibly as a developer you should check it out of Github and include it with Bundler by specifying the source location:

git clone
source ""
gem "shibkit-meta_meta", :path => "~/Projects/shibkit-meta_meta/"

You can also skip Bundler and install the gem directly from source by typing

rake install 

Please feel welcome to fork the project on Github and send pull requests for any changes you wish to contribute.


Convenience Features

The MetaMeta class provides a number of simple factory-style methods to return simplified representations of the items within SAML metadata files.

Automatic metadata retrieval and parsing

MetaMeta contains information about a number of popular federations which it will access by default. While it's best to use your own list of sources, it be convenient to get started immediately.

For instance, to find the longest entity URI in all popular federations all you need is:

puts Shibkit::MetaMeta.entities.sort!{|a,b| a.uri.size <=> b.uri.size}.last

Metadata will normally be automatically downloaded, cached, parsed and sorted on first use.

Easy access to Federation, Entities and Organisations

MetaMeta can return arrays of all federations, and all entities (SPs and IDPs), IDPs or SPs in all Federations. It can also attempt to list all organisations but the data returned is not yet particularly useful.

Shibkit::MetaMeta.federations.each {|f| puts f }
Shibkit::MetaMeta.entities.each { |e| puts e }
Shibkit::MetaMeta.idps.each { |e| puts e }
Shibkit::MetaMeta.sps.each { |e| puts e }
Shibkit::MetaMeta.orgs.each { |o| puts o }

Select an entity by URI

If you already know the URI of an entity in a loaded federation then you can get it directly using #from_uri

entity = Shibkit::MetaMeta.from_uri('')

puts entity.idp?         
puts entity.accountable? 

The same thing can be achieved a little more compactly using the [] method:

entity = Shibkit::MetaMeta['']

puts entity.idp?         
puts entity.accountable? 

My aliasing the rather long Shibkit::MetaMeta class name, you can reduce it further:

MM = Shibkit::MetaMeta
entity = MM['']

Read more about the Shibkit::MetaMeta class

Metadata Sources

MetaMeta needs to know various things about a Federation before it can access its metadata. This information is handled by the Source class. Sources can be specified directly in your code or loaded from a source list file.

Source objects describe federations and collections and are effectively metadata about metadata, hence the odd name of this software.

Loading your own source list

It's best to write and load your own source list for your software.

  • You can download and process only the federations you require, saving time and energy.
  • You can check that file locations, certificates and fingerprints are correct
  • You can include your own federations or simpler local metadata collections

Source lists are simple YAML documents. Copy the examples included with MetaMeta or read the Shibkit::MetaMeta::Source documentation before writing your own.

Shibkit::MetaMeta.config.sources_file = '/etc/mm/my_metadata_sources.yml'
Shibkit::MetaMeta.idps.each { |e| puts e }

Selecting a built-in source list

MetaMeta comes with a few source lists that you can choose from.

  • :real is a list of all major federations (this file may not be complete yet!)
  • :dev is a small list of tiny fictional federations for testing and development

They are loaded by specifying the symbol instead of a real filename string

Shibkit::MetaMeta.config.sources_file = :real
Shibkit::MetaMeta.idps.each { |e| puts e }

Accessing Source information

Source objects can be accessed directly, to be read or adjusted after loading.

## List homepages specified in all metadata sources, wherever the source is defined
Shibkit::MetaMeta.sources.each {|s| puts s.homepage_url}

Automatic selection of source lists

By default MetaMeta will choose a (hopefully) suitable source list for you.

(At the moment this is always the :real list but when the :dev list is fixed this will be used instead when in 'development' mode in Rails and Sinatra applications)

Automatic loading and processing of Metadata

MetaMeta will normally load and process XML from your sources when you first ask for data. However, this can sometimes cause delays exactly when you don't want them.

Autoloading of metadata can be turned off and on at any time:

Shibkit::MetaMeta.config.autoload = false
# or maybe
Shibkit::MetaMeta.config.autoload = true if == 1 

Of course if autoloading is turned off you'll not get any federations or entities when you need them. To load data call the #load_sources method:

Shibkit::MetaMeta.load_sources    # Loads sources file but not actual metadata
Shibkit::MetaMeta.process_sources # Downloads and processes metadata into objects

# There will now be a delay while metadata is downloaded and processed...

Shibkit::MetaMeta.loaded_sources? # => true
Shibkit::MetaMeta.stocked? # => true

You can call Shibkit::MetaMeta.process_sources to pre-emptively create objects even if Shibkit::MetaMeta.config.autoload is active.

Adding your own Sources without a sources file

It's possible to append additional sources using the Shibkit::MetaMeta.add_source method. Pass either a hash or a Source object you prepared earlier.

If a source with the same ID URI already exists then it will be replaced by the new one.

    :uri           => '',
    :name          => 'UK Access Management Federation For Education And Research',
    :display_name  => 'UK Access Management Federation',
    :type          => 'federation',
    :countries     => ['gb'],
    :metadata      => '',
    :certificate   => '',
    :fingerprint   => '94:7F:5E:8C:4E:F5:E1:69:E7:DF:68:1E:48:AA:98:44:A5:41:56:EE',
    :refeds_info   => '',
    :homepage      => '',
    :languages     => ['en-gb', 'en'],
    :support_email => '',
    :description   => 'A single solution for accessing online resources and services',


Federation objects describe a federation, including its members (SPs and IDPs).

Listing federation objects

You can get an array of all loaded federations using '#federations'

all_federations = Shibkit::MetaMeta.federations 

Finding an federation by URI

uk_fed = Shibkit::MetaMeta.from_uri('')

Loading federation objects ahead of time

Calling Shibkit::MetaMeta.process_sources will re-process federation metadata into objects, removing previously generated objects from MetaMeta's lists.

Shibkit::MetaMeta.stocked? # => true

Filtering and selecting Sources/Federations

It's nice to have easy access to many different federations but if you're only interested in one or two of them it can add a lot of wasteful overhead to process all of them together.

You can limit the sources/federations to be processed using the #only_use method:


After specifying federation URIs only matching federations will be downloaded and processed.

You can go back to processing all federations by using :all or :everything


Entities (IDPs & SPs)

Entity objects are generic representations of entities listed in SAML metadata. They can be IDPs, SPs, or both. MetaMeta only stores general information about the entity in the Entity object itself, and then uses SP and IDP objects inside it to store more detailed information about the roles of the entity.

Accessing all the entities in a federation

federation = Shibkit::MetaMeta.from_uri('')
uk_fed_entities = federation.entities

Finding an entity by URI

uom_idp = Shibkit::MetaMeta.from_uri('')

Listing all primary entities in all federations

If you're read this far you can probably guess how this will go.

all_entities = Shibkit::MetaMeta.entities

This doesn't list all entities, only all primary entities. I'm afraid we've made up the term "primary entity". Read on for enlightenment.

Multi-federation entities and primary entities

The same IDP or SP, represented by the same URI, can be in more than one federation. The Shibboleth IDP will load the only the first one that it finds. Because of this, although it's possible to give the same service different metadata in each federation it's probably a bad idea to do so - you don't know which metadata for your service will be used.

IDPs and SPs don't usually care which trusted federation an entity belongs to - they're trusted, and that's what matters. However, your SAML-aware software might care, so MetaMeta tries to keep track of multiple federation membership.

Each Federation object has its own list of entities. These are separate objects and if metadata for a service varies between different federations it should be different between their MetaMeta objects too.

entity1 = fed1.entities.collect { |e| e.uri = '' }[0]
entity2 = fed2.entities.collect { |e| e.uri = '' }[0]

entity1.primary_federation_uri # => ''
  # => ['urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:protocol', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol']

entity2.primary_federation_uri # => ''
  # => ['urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol']

In most cases you don't want to know about the other varieties; you want to know about the entity with the first metadata to be loaded. Shibkit::MetaMeta refers to this as the "Primary Entity", and its parent Federation as its "primary federation".

Shibkit::MetaMeta only lists primary records when you call Shibkit::MetaMeta.from_uri and Shibkit::MetaMeta.entities

Primary entities will have any other federations that they are a member of listed under #other_federations and #secondary_federations. Both primary and seconday/other federations are listed by #federation_uris.

You can quickly check if an entity is primary or multifederation:

ent = Shibkit::MetaMeta.from_uri('')

ent.primary? # => true
ent.multi_federated? # => true

Entity objects

ent = Shibkit::MetaMeta.from_uri('')

ent.uri # => ''
ent.accountable? # => true
ent.hide?        # => false
ent.sp?          # => false
ent.idp?         # => true

ent.idp.scopes # => ['']

For more information on Entity objects please read the API documentation.


While an Entity object can represent an IDP (indicated by the #idp? method) the details of its IDP role are held in the IDP object it contains.

entity.idp? # => true
entity.idp.protocols        # => ['urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol']
entity.idp.scopes           # => ['']

entity.idp.display_name     # => "The University of Studies"
entity.idp.display_name :fr # => "L'Université des Etudes"
entity.idp.description      # => "Example login service for UoS"          # => ['']

For more information on IDP objects please read the API documentation.


Entity objects can also represent an SP (even if also an IDP). As with IDPs the additional information is represented by an SP object within the Entity object.

entity.sp? # => true
entity.sp.protocols     # => ['urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol']

entity.sp.display_name     # => "University of Studies Webmail"
entity.sp.display_name :fr # => "L'Université des Etudes de Webmail"
entity.sp.description      # => "Email service for staff and students"  
entity.sp.ip_blocks        # => ['', '']

For more information on SP objects please read the API documentation.


IDP and SP objects may contain Contact objects. Each type of contact is available from its own method in an Entity object. If a contact type is not available then nil is returned.

sc = entity.support_contact
tc = entity.technical_contact
ac = entity.admin_contact

Contact objects are very simple:

contact = entity.support_contact

contact.givenname     # => 'Joe'
contact.surname       # => 'Yossarian'
contact.display_name  # => 'Joe Yossarian'
contact.email_url     # => ""
contact.email_address # => ''
contact.category      # => :support

For more information on Contact objects please read the API documentation.


IDP and SP objects may contain Organisation objects. Organisation details have often been used to describe services (especially IDPs) rather than the organisation running the service. Recent additions to SAML metadata (described in the next section) will hopefully lead to organisation details gradually becoming more useful.

org = entity.organisation          # => 'University of Studies'
org.display_name  # => 'University of Studies IDP (test)'
org.url           # => '' 

MetaMeta will fall back to using Organisation data to describe entities when no user interface information is available.

The Shibkit::MetaMeta.orgs method will list all organisations found in all federations after trying, rather badly, to minimise repeated records. We added this feature to see how well it would work, and so far it doesn't work very well at all.

For the curious or optimistic:

messy_list_organisations = Shibkit::MetaMeta.orgs

User Interface Info

Shibkit::MetaMeta aims to reproduce the details that Shibboleth IDPs can present to users during authentication - friendly, localised information on SPs and IDPs.

User interface information for SPs and IDPs is available as as English default, a specified locale (if available, falling back to English) and as a hash of all available content.

entity.idp.display_name     # => "The University of Studies"
entity.idp.display_name :fr # => "L'Université des Etudes"
  # => {:en => "The University of Studies", :fr => "L'Université des Etudes"}

entity.idp.keywords      # => ['example', 'university']
entity.idp.keywords :fr  # => ['exemple', 'université']
  # => {:en => ['example', 'university'], :fr => ['exemple', 'université']}


SPs and IDPs may also have Logo objects, for use in user interfaces or just to decorate your federation reports. Like user interface information they can be grouped according to language, and the defaults assume :en

default_logos = entity.idp.logos
french_logos  = entity.idp.logos :fr

default_logos.each { |logo| puts logo.url ; puts logo.width }

## Find location of largest image in a set
french_logos.sort{ |a,b| a.pixels <=> b.pixels }.last.uri

Logo objects have various methods for describing the image, downloading it, comparing the real image to details in metadata, etc. Please read the API docs for more info.

Discovery Hints

Discovery hints can be used by WAYF/Discovery Services to guess at likely options for users.

entity.sp.ip_blocks          # => ['', '']            # => ['']
entity.idp.geo_location_uris # => nil 

Service Information

SPs can advertise a number of Services.         # Returns an array of service objects
service = entity.sp.default_service  # Returns one service

service.attributes      # Array of attribute objects
service.index           # Returns the index number of the service
service.description     # Default description
service.description :en # English description
service.description     # Hash of all descriptions, keyed on language.

IDP and SP Attributes

While rarely used, it's possible for metadata to list the attributes made available by IDPs or requested by SPs. These should be available via the SP and IDP objects.

entity.idp.attributes.each { |a| puts a.friendly_name }

entity.sp.default_service.attributes.each { |a| puts }

attribute = entity.idp.attributes[0]           # Name uri for the attribute
attribute.required?      # (Used by SPs)
attribute.name_format    # 
attribute.friendly_name  #
attribute.values         # Available values (from IDPs)

Provisioning Your Application

Shibkit::MetaMeta is not a sleek and speedy bit of software. It can use a fairly large amount of RAM to process metadata - when loading four federations (c.2400 unique entities) a couple of hundred megabytes of RAM is typical, and also takes about a minute on a typical PC.

Because of this it is probably a very bad idea to autoload objects inside a persistent web application, especially at startup. Using multiple Mongrel processes, each loading their own metadata, is definitely not advisable.

Shibkit::MetaMeta is best suited to running scripts that process metadata then quit, maybe loading data into other storage formats.

If you want a persistent database to query within your applications you should consider Shibkit::Disco, which builds on MetaMeta and provides a variety of database backends.

Optimising for speed or memory

There are a few things that can make Shibkit:MetaMeta a little lighter.

Speed: Smartcache

MetaMeta's "smartcache" feature will store the objects created from your metadata XML on disk and reload them the next time MetaMeta is run. A simple script that takes two minutes to download and process metadata when first run may take a couple of seconds the second time it's run if you have the smartcache enabled.

Smartcaching is on by default, but can be turned off with Shibkit::MetaMeta::Config's #smartcache_active method. Smartcache data expires when it's older than the #smartcache_expiry config setting or when MetaMeta's configuration, platform or Ruby version changes.

Shibkit::MetaMeta.config do |c|
  c.autoload          = true
  c.smartcache_expiry = 60*60
  c.smartcache_active = true

If the smartcache is turned off then metadata files will be downloaded each time your script is run. Download caching will still occur if possible.

Memory: Purging XML

MetaMeta objects will normally store the parsed XML used to create them. This can take up more RAM and will cause larger, slower smartcache files. In many cases you won't need this data at all after the object has been created, so you can safely delete it.

Shibkit::MetaMeta.config do |c|
  c.purge_xml = true

General Options

[There are a few methods in the Source class that need to be refactored out for use everywhere in MetaMeta. Should be fixed soon.]

Download Caching Options


Debugging Hints

You can dump all objects in a readable format using #save_cache_file and reload them using #load_cache_file. (This can use quite a bit of RAM)

Shibkit::MetaMeta.save_cache_file "/Users/pete/Desktop/dump.yaml"
# ...
Shibkit::MetaMeta.load_cache_file "/Users/pete/Desktop/dump.yaml"



Shibkit::MetaMeta is part of Shibkit, a collection of Ruby gems derived from code used by Digital Identity Ltd in various projects and experiments. Most future commercial and open source Digital Identity Labs projects will be based on Shibkit libraries.


  • Pete Birkinshaw
  • Eddy Wheldon
  • Linda Ward
  • Sam Jones


Shibkit is copyright (c) 2011, Digital Identity Ltd. It's licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, which is a lot like the BSD and MIT licenses only with added cunning bits and extra words for lawyers. It's a permissive license.

See for the entire whole license text if you're curious.




We've definitely made mistakes. This is software - there are going to be coding bugs, inaccurate documentation, misinterpreted specs, and horrible, embarrassing things that we haven't even worried about yet.

If you find something wrong, weird or confusing please let us know on the Shibkit-MetaMeta issue tracker. It might cause us blushes but we'd rather someone let us know straight away.


If you'd like to add new features to MetaMeta or even remove feature you hate then please fork the repository on Github. Change the code to work the way you want, and then send us a pull request if you'd like us to merge any of your changes back into the official repository.

If you'd like us to add a feature for you then please get in touch.