Sidekiq Recycler
Gracefully recycle sidekiq processes that use too much memory
sidekiq-recycler is a simple middleware which checks the process's RSS usage on the completion of each job. When the usage surpasses a predefined limit, the process will gracefully terminate. If any jobs are still running beyond a further time threshold, they will be killed and requeued.
sidekiq-recycler is best used with a process monitor like god, monit, upstart, etc, so that your sidekick process will be properly restarted after it quits.
$ gem install sidekiq-recycler
# Add the middleware
require "sidekiq"
require "sidekiq/recycler"
Sidekiq.configure_server do |config|
config.server_middleware do |chain|
chain.add Sidekiq::Recycler, :mem_limit => 300_000, :hard_limit_sec => 300
Two options are exposed by the middleware:
- mem_limit: RSS usage limit, in megabytes
- hard_limit_sec: time in seconds to wait for jobs to finish, after graceful shutdown initiated
Kick the tires
You can see the recycler in action by doing the following (requires redis server):
git clone
cd sidekiq-recycler
bundle exec sidekiq --queue="*" --require ./test/support/workers.rb
And in another terminal:
bundle exec test/support/create_jobs.rb
This will spawn some jobs that eat lots of memory and a single jobs which runs forever. You should see messages like the following printed on your console:
2013-10-14T18:04:19Z WARN: Recycler threshold reached: 102848 > 100000
2013-10-14T18:04:19Z WARN: Attempting to stop gracefully
2013-10-14T18:04:19Z INFO: Shutting down 21 quiet workers
2013-10-14T18:04:49Z WARN: Hard limit of 30sec reached; sending TERM signal
2013-10-14T18:04:49Z INFO: Shutting down 0 quiet workers
2013-10-14T18:04:49Z INFO: Pausing up to 8 seconds to allow workers to finish...
2013-10-14T18:04:57Z INFO: Still waiting for 3 busy workers
2013-10-14T18:04:57Z INFO: Pushed 3 messages back to Redis
2013-10-14T18:04:57Z INFO: All threads stopped; exiting now!