Welcome to my new gem which I use to writing functional tests. I named it "silence" because I like silence :)
Install gem:
$ gem install 'silence'
Generate new project:
$ silence new project_name
During installation generator makes:
generate project structure
install all required libraries
setup ruby environment(create .ruby-gemset and .ruby-version)
$ cd project_name
$ bundle
Then run "cucumber" in project path
Running options:
All available options we can see in cucumber.yml and all running options should be described there.
Project structure:
├── config
│ ├── browser_profiles
│ └── data
├── features
│ ├── pages
│ │ ├── widgets
│ │ │ └── some_widgets.rb
│ │ └── some_page.rb
│ ├── step_definitions
│ │ └── some_steps.feature
│ ├── support
│ └── some_feature.feature
├── reports
├── silence
│ └── cli
└── cucumber.yml
to be continued ...