Simple GCharts
Create Google Charts in your views using ruby, with no Javascript required. This library will serialize your data andautomatically load any required charts packages, and render your charts for you. Requires jQuery.
Example PieChart
class ActivitiesController < ActionController::Base
def graphs
@activities = {
'Work' => 11,
'Eat' => 2,
'Commute' => 2,
'Watch TV' => 2,
'Sleep' => 7
# views/activities/graphs.html.erb
<%= google_chart :pie, ['Task', 'Hours per Day'], { |k,v| [k, v] }, { title: 'My Daily Activities' } %>
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'simple-gcharts'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install simple-gcharts
Add script to application.js
(or appropriate page)
//= require jquery
//= require simple-gcharts
See the Google Charts Documentation for chart type descriptions and options.
def google_chart type, headers, data, opts={}, chart_id="chart-#{SecureRandom.hex(10)}", parent_tag=:div
Argument | Description |
type |
The type of chart (e.g. :line , see below) |
headers |
The column data. Can be column name or object |
data |
A 2-D array of data rows. headers and data combined are passed to arrayToDataTable()
opts |
Options passed to chart.draw()
chart_id |
The HTML id attribute to use for the chart |
parent_tag |
The tag used to wrap the child tags |
Ruby can't make Javascript date objects, but fortunately Google Charts supports an alternate syntax for date and time datatypes. You can use chart_date_format
to convert DateTime objects to the proper format.
def chart_date_format(datetime, time=false)
if time
datetime.strftime "Date(%Y, %m, %d, %H, %M, %S)"
datetime.strftime "Date(%Y, %m, %d)"
Chart Types
Types |
:annotation |
:area |
:bubble |
:bar |
:calendar |
:candlestick |
:column |
:combo |
:gantt |
:gauge |
:geochart |
:histogram |
:line |
:map |
:orgchart |
:pie |
:snakey |
:scatter |
:stepped |
:table |
:timeline |
:treemap |
:word |
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.