Simple Poller
You can use simple_poller to perform a simple long polling from client side to server side into a rails app. In order to use it, you only will have to define an object with a load callback, specify an url to perform the polling and the timeout you wish.
simple_poller allows you to start, stop or update the timeout for polling. It is a new gem so stay alert for changes and improvements. All contributions are welcomed!
Getting started
Include Simple Poller to your Gemfile if you haven't done yet:
gem 'simple_poller'
At the command prompt, install the gem:
bundle install
Finally, configure your application to use Simple Poller:
rails g simple_poller:install
That's all!
You can check a sample app visiting
Once again, all contributions are welcomed! :)
In order to install the gem for development you should:
- git clone the repository
- create a gemset and run bundle
- execute guard to compile all the coffeescript into javascript -> bundle exec guard
- Add jquery 1.9 to public/javascripts directory
- execute jasmine to run the tests -> bundle exec rake jasmine (visit localhost:8888)
check for things to do