Sinatra plugin that allows authentication against portier, the successor for Persona. Like Persona, this lets you verify the email identity of a user.
To be a drop-in replacement, the code keeps using the browserid namespace.
To learn more, read about portier.
Note that logins are not done from within a form on your site -- you provide a login form, and that will start up the login flow and redirect back to your main page.
How to get started
Install the gem sinatra-portier:
gem install sinatra-portier
Then use it in your code:
require 'sinatra'
require 'sinatra/browserid'
register Sinatra::BrowserID
set :sessions, true
# Disabling origin-check is needed to make webkit-browsers like Chrome work.
# Behind a proxy you will also need to disable :remote_token, regardless for which browser.
set :protection, except: [:http_origin]
get '/' do
if authorized?
"Welcome, #{authorized_email}"
get '/secure' do
authorize! # require a user be logged in
authorized_email # browserid email
get '/logout' do
redirect '/'
See the rdoc for more details on the helper functions. For a functioning example app, start the app in the example directory:
bundle install
bundle exec rackup -p PORT
Available sinatra settings:
- :browserid_url: If you're using an alternate auth provider other than
- :browserid_login_url: URL users get redirected to when the
authorize!(redirect: nil) helper is called and a user is not logged in.
is an optional parameter to set the redirect target on the function call instead. - :browserid_button_class: Css class of the login button
- :browserid_button_text: Text of the login button