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A dead simple RAM keystore


~> 3.0.7
~> 2.5
 Project Readme


Sir Cachealot graphic

SirCachealot is an easy-to-use, multi-backend, auto-expiring key-value store for Ruby, available under the 2-clause BSD license. It is built for:

  • Simple, swappable, modular backends. Cache server down? Swap another one in and keep chuggin'. Currently supports Redis and an in-memory store.
  • Shared memory between processes. Multi-process environments (such as in Passenger) make shared state difficult.
  • Unified API supporting a selected, shared subset of each backend's features.
  • Easily and seamlessly deal with cache misses.
  • Lets you cache stuff the Ruby way!

Here's a quick example, which caches a user object to avoid fetching it from the database:

def login(id, password_hash)

    user = Sir.get("userkey-#{id}") do |key|               #Doesn't execute the block if key is found
        Sir.put(key, User.find_by_id(id), 1.day)   #Cache miss! So let's fetch the User and store it for a day
    end                                            #    (note: 1.day comes from ActiveSupport, not included)

    # your code here
    user.authenticate?(password_hash)              #returns true if match, false is not


Roadmap for 1.0:

  • More storage backends: RailsCache, Postgres HSTORE, Mysql memtable, memcache, internal
  • Add redis incr/decr and extra datatypes (emulate features on ramcache if necessary)
  • Explore clustering applications
  • Add convenience methods to ActiveRecord


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'sir_cachealot'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install sir_cachealot


SirCachealot exposes a new module named Sir. This module is designed to be available globally in both Rails apps and vanilla Ruby scripts (don't forget require 'sir'!)

This section is a quick tour through some of SirCachealot's best features. For a comprehensive API reference, please refer to the comments in Sir::Backends::Base.

You can use SirCachealot immediately, using either:

Sir.put(keyname, value)
Sir.put(keyname, value, expiry) # expiry can be relative or absolute time expressed in seconds (Fixnum) or a Time object.

put() will return the object you gave it. This is useful if you wish to use get()'s yield functionality.

If config(:delete_on_nil) == true and value == nil, put() will return true (because it deleted the key).

You can retreive the value later, if it hasn't expired, with:

my_var = Sir.get(keyname)


# A convenient way to rectify a cache miss!
# put() returns the object you give it
my_var = Sir.get(keyname) do |key|
    Sir.put(key, User.find_by_id(id))

If the key does not exist, or if it has expired:

  • get() returns nil if not given a block to execute.
  • get() yields to code block, if one is supplied.

To delete a cache entry, you can:


If you want to clear the cache, you can:


If you want to sweep and purge all expired entries, you can:


There are a few configuration options available. You can configure SirCachealot with:

cache_opts = Sir::Backends::RamCache::DEFAULTS #Change RamCache to RedisCache for redis

Sir.configure do |config|
    config[:default_expiry] = 3600 # default expiration timeout in seconds
    config[:mode]           = :ram_cache # cache storage mode. Currently: :ram_cache, :redis_cache
    config[:debug]          = true|false # show some debug messages
    config[:annoy]          = true|false # show even more debug messages
    config[:options]        = cache_opts # optional, depending on backend

Note: Backends may have additional configuration parameters that need to be satisfied. The default configuration can be retreived from the DEFAULTS constant in the backend class, as shown above. These values may then be modified and passed back to Sir.configure()

API Reference

See Sir::Backends::Base

Available Backends

RAM Cache (for testing)

The RAM Cache stores cache entries in a Ruby hash, and is the default cache store that SirCachealot will use if left unconfigured.

RAM Cache does not support automatic expiration, and so it must be periodically #swept(). RAM Cache's thread safety depends on your interpreter: 'green thread' implementations are safe, while true multi-threaded environments (such as JRuby) remain untested at this time.

This backend module is intentionally left simple, and is of limited usefulness. It is designed to be an example for implementing additional backends, and to satisfy basic turn-key functionality.


Note that #configure is not necessary if you wish to use RAM cache with its default settings.

Sir.configure do |config|
    config[:default_expiry] = 3600
    config[:mode]           = :ram_cache

Redis Cache

Redis cache supports a subset of full Redis functionality.


redis_obj = Redis.new(:path => "/tmp/redis.sock")

cache_opts = Sir::Backends::RedisCache::DEFAULTS
cache_opts[:redis_obj] = redis_obj                   #supply a preconfigured Redis instance
cache_opts[:namespace] = "MyCacheStore"              #override the default "SirCachealot" namespace
cache_opts[:serializer] = :marshal                   #all requests to put() are serialized. :marshal or :json are available

Sir.configure do |config|
    config[:default_expiry] = 3600
    config[:mode]           = :redis_cache
    config[:options]        = cache_opts
  • :redis_obj: Store your pre-configured Redis instance in here
  • :namespace: Internally, all keys are prefixed with "SirCachealot" while stored in Redis. You can change that string with this option.
  • :serializer: :marhsal to serialize all values with Marshal.load(), or :json to serialize all values with .to_json
    • Note: Do not switch to a different serializer without first calling Sir.nuke()!


A test suite is available through rspec.

sir_cachealot 0.6.0 was tested against ruby 1.9.3, 2.0, and 2.1 and passed 27/27 tests.

Testing SirCachealot

$> cd $GEM_PATH             # cd into your gem path. The shown command, as written, will fail if you use rvm.
$> cd gems/sir_cachealot-0.6.0
$> bundle install
$> rspec

Change Log


  • Modularized backends.
  • Implemented Redis Cache features: FLUSHDB (nuke(), KEYS (keys()), DBSIZE (length()), BGSAVE (flush())
  • Renamed clean, clear functions to sweep, nuke (to be easier to visually differentiate)

Known issues

  • Marshal.load(), which is used by RedisCache's :marshal serializer, has been known to throw exceptions when it is called repeatedly (like in a tight loop)


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Use of SirCachealot is permitted under the terms of the 2-clause BSD License. For more information see LICENSE.txt.