Sledgehammer is a gem which allows to crawl websites in search of email addresses. It uses Typhoeus and Sidekiq to spawn ultra-fast workers which gathers data in no-time.
Include the gem in your Gemfile
gem "sledgehammer"
Bundle the Gemfile
bundle install
Run the install script which will create a migration file and a config file.
bundle exec rails generate sledgehammer:install
Migrate your database
bundle exec rake db:migrate
You should be aware of using this gem with application with sqlite3 database. Due to multi threaded nature of gem you will be greeted with "SQLite3::BusyException: database is locked" errors. PostgreSQL, MySQL or MongoDB should be just fine.
Run sidekiq worker from your code:
Sledgehammer::CrawlWorker.perform_async ARRAY_OF_URLS, [OPTIONS]
Here is sample usage:
Sledgehammer::CrawlWorker.perform_async [''], { depth_limit: 3 }
Available options are:
- limit how far into the website the crawler should go; 1 means only the first page will be crawled. -
- this is used internally to know the depth level of crawling and should never be set by hand except in tests
Extending Sledgehammer in your application
Sledgehammer is pretty rudimentary and does not allow much functionality at this point. That's why we've created a set of simple callbacks that you can overwrite in your application, for example when you plan to group found pages into groups or filter the URL list.
There are many ways to override the behaviour of a callback. The simplest one is to create a file
in your lib/
directory and create a module that will be mixed into Sledgehammer::CrawlWorker
module OnlyPolishWebsites
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
def on_queue(url)
url ~= /\.pl$/
Sledgehammer::CrawlWorker.include OnlyPolishWebsites
There are 3 methods you should ever need to overwrite, and one that should rather be chained than overwritten:
- this method executes further crawling, email parsing and saving a newSledgehammer::Page
model so be careful if you decide to overwrite it!
You can also access options that were passed to Sledgehammer::CrawlWorker
with @options
If the need arises in the future, we will add more robust way of adding callbacks and modyfing Sledgehammer behaviour (and we're still rewriting things), but for now this was more than enough for our needs.
- [Michał Matyas] (
- rabsztok
Sledgehammer is Copyright © 2014 Growth Republic. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.