No release in over a year
A library of utility services and concerns to expand the functionality of core classes without polluting the global namespace.


~> 11.1
~> 13.0
~> 3.10
~> 0.18.5
~> 1.0
~> 1.35
 Project Readme


A library of utility services and concerns to expand the functionality of core classes without polluting the global namespace.


SleepingKingStudios::Tools is tested against MRI Ruby 3.1 through 3.4.


Method and class documentation is available courtesy of RubyDoc.

Documentation is generated using YARD, and can be generated locally using the yard gem.


SleepingKingStudios::Tools is released under the MIT License.


The canonical repository for this gem is on GitHub. Community contributions are welcome - please feel free to fork or submit issues, bug reports or pull requests.

Code of Conduct

Please note that the SleepingKingStudios::Tools project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.



The tools can be accessed in a convenient form using the Toolbelt class.

require 'sleeping_king_studios/tools'

tools = ::SleepingKingStudios::Tools::Toolbelt.instance

tools.ary.humanize_list 'one', 'two', 'three'
#=> calls ArrayTools#humanize_list

tools.core.deprecate 'my_method'
#=> calls CoreTools#deprecate

tools.str.underscore 'MyModuleName'
#=> calls StringTools#underscore

Array Tools

require 'sleeping_king_studios/tools/array_tools'

Tools for working with array-like enumerable objects.


Returns true if the object is or appears to be an Array.

#=> false
#=> true
#=> false


Separates the array into two arrays, the first containing all items in the original array that matches the provided block, and the second containing all items in the original array that do not match the provided block.

original = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
selected, rejected = ArrayTools.bisect(original) { |item| item.even? }
#=> [0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
#=> [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]


Counts the number of times each value appears in the array, or if a block is given, calls the block with each item and counts the number of times each result appears.

ArrayTools.count_values([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3])
#=> { 1 => 3, 2 => 2, 3 => 1 }

ArrayTools.count_values([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3]) { |i| i ** 2 }
#=> { 1 => 3, 4 => 2, 9 => 1 }

ArrayTools.count_values([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3], &:even?)
#=> { false => 4, true => 2 }


Creates a deep copy of the object by returning a new Array with deep copies of each array item. See also ObjectTools#deep_dup[#label-Object+Tools].

ary = ['one', 'two', 'three']
cpy = ArrayTools.deep_dup ary

cpy << 'four'
#=> ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four']
#=> ['one', 'two', 'three']

cpy.first.sub!(/on/, 'vu'); cpy
#=> ['vun', 'two', 'three', 'four']
#=> ['one', 'two', 'three']


Freezes the array and performs a deep freeze on each array item. See also ObjectTools#deep_freeze[#label-Object+Tools].

ary = ['one', 'two', 'three']
ArrayTools.deep_freeze ary

#=> true
#=> true


Accepts a list of values and returns a human-readable string of the values, with the format based on the number of items.

# With One Item
#=> 'spam'

# With Two Items
ArrayTools.humanize_list(['spam', 'eggs'])
#=> 'spam and eggs'

# With Three Or More Items
ArrayTools.humanize_list(['spam', 'eggs', 'bacon', 'spam'])
#=> 'spam, eggs, bacon, and spam'

# With A Block
ArrayTools.humanize_list(['bronze', 'silver', 'gold'], { |str| str.capitalize })
#=> 'Bronze, Silver, and Gold'


Returns true if the array is immutable, i.e. the array is frozen and each array item is immutable.

ArrayTools.immutable?([1, 2, 3])
#=> false

ArrayTools.immutable?([1, 2, 3].freeze)
#=> true

ArrayTools.immutable?(['ichi', 'ni', 'san'])
#=> false

ArrayTools.immutable?(['ichi', 'ni', 'san'].freeze)
#=> false

ArrayTools.immutable?(['ichi'.freeze, 'ni'.freeze, 'san'.freeze].freeze)
#=> true


Returns true if the array is mutable (see #immutable?, above).


Accepts an array, a start value, a number of items to delete, and zero or more items to insert at that index. Deletes the specified number of items, then inserts the given items at the index and returns the array of deleted items.

# Deleting items from an Array
values = %w(katana wakizashi tachi daito shoto)
ArrayTools.splice values, 1, 2
#=> ['wakizashi', 'tachi']
#=> ['katana', 'daito', 'shoto']

# Inserting items into an Array
values = %w(longsword broadsword claymore)
ArrayTools.splice values, 1, 0, 'zweihänder'
#=> []
#=> ['longsword', 'zweihänder', 'broadsword', 'claymore']

# Inserting and deleting items
values = %w(shortbow longbow crossbow)
ArrayTools.splice values, 2, 1, 'arbalest', 'chu-ko-nu'
#=> ['crossbow']
#=> ['shortbow', 'longbow', 'arbalest', 'chu-ko-nu']


Tools for validating the current application state.


Helper for defining an aggregator for grouped assertion failures. By default, returns SleepingKingStudios::Tools::Assertions::Aggregator. Subclasses can overwrite this method to return a custom aggregator implementation.


Raises an exception unless the given block returns a truthy value.

Assertions.assert { true == false }
#=> raises an AssertionError with message 'block returned a falsy value'

Assertions.assert { true == true }
#=> does not raise an exception

It accepts the following options:

  • error_class: The class of exception to raise. Defaults to SleepingKingStudios::Tools::Assertions::AssertionError.
  • message: The error message to display.


Raises an exception unless the given value is nil or #empty?.

#=> does not raise an exception

#=> raises an AssertionError with message 'value must be nil or empty'

#=> does not raise an exception

Assertions.assert_blank([1, 2, 3])
#=> raises an AssertionError with message 'value must be nil or empty'

It accepts the following options:

  • as: A short descriptor of the given value. Defaults to "value".
  • error_class: The class of exception to raise. Defaults to SleepingKingStudios::Tools::Assertions::AssertionError.
  • message: The error message to display.


Raises an exception unless the given value is either true or false.

#=> raises an AssertionError with message 'value must be true or false'

#=> raises an AssertionError with message 'value must be true or false'

#=> does not raise an exception

#=> does not raise an exception

It accepts the following options:

  • as: A short descriptor of the given value. Defaults to "value".
  • error_class: The class of exception to raise. Defaults to SleepingKingStudios::Tools::Assertions::AssertionError.
  • message: The error message to display.
  • optional: If true, accepts nil values as well as true or false.


Raises an exception unless the given value is a Class.

#=> raises an AssertionError with message 'value is not a class'

#=> does not raise an exception

It accepts the following options:

  • as: A short descriptor of the given value. Defaults to "value".
  • error_class: The class of exception to raise. Defaults to SleepingKingStudios::Tools::Assertions::AssertionError.
  • message: The error message to display.
  • optional: If true, accepts nil values as well as Class instances.


Raises an exception if any of the assertions in the block fail, and aggregates the failure messages of all failing assertions.

Assertions.assert_group do |group|
  group.assert_name(nil, as: 'label')
  group.assert_instance_of(0.0, expected: Integer, as: 'quantity')
# raises an AssertionError with message: "label can't be blank, quantity is not an instance of Integer"

It accepts the following options:

  • error_class: The class of exception to raise. Defaults to SleepingKingStudios::Tools::Assertions::AssertionError.
  • message: The error message to display.


Raises an exception unless the given value is an instance of the expected Class or Module.

Assertions.assert_instance_of(:foo, expected: String)
#=> raises an AssertionError with message 'value is not an instance of String'

Assertions.assert_instance_of('foo', expected: String)
#=> does not raise an exception

It accepts the following options:

  • as: A short descriptor of the given value. Defaults to "value".
  • error_class: The class of exception to raise. Defaults to SleepingKingStudios::Tools::Assertions::AssertionError.
  • message: The error message to display.
  • optional: If true, accepts nil values as well as instances of the Class or Module.


Raises an exception unless the given value matches the expected value using case equality (#===).

Assertions.assert_matches('bar', expected: /foo/)
#=> raises an AssertionError with message 'value does not match the pattern /foo/'

Assertions.assert_matches('foo', expected: /foo/)
#=> does not raise an exception

It accepts the following options:

  • as: A short descriptor of the given value. Defaults to "value".
  • error_class: The class of exception to raise. Defaults to SleepingKingStudios::Tools::Assertions::AssertionError.
  • message: The error message to display.
  • optional: If true, accepts nil values as well as matching values.


Raises an exception unless the given value is a non-empty String or Symbol.

#=> raises an AssertionError with message "value can't be blank"

#=> raises an AssertionError with message 'value is not a String or a Symbol'

#=> raises an AssertionError with message "value can't be blank"

#=> does not raise an exception

#=> does not raise an exception

It accepts the following options:

  • as: A short descriptor of the given value. Defaults to "value".
  • error_class: The class of exception to raise. Defaults to SleepingKingStudios::Tools::Assertions::AssertionError.
  • message: The error message to display.
  • optional: If true, accepts nil values as well as valid Symbols and Strings.


Raises an exception unless the given value is nil.

#=> does not raise an exception

#=> raises an AssertionError with message 'value must be nil'

It accepts the following options:

  • as: A short descriptor of the given value. Defaults to "value".
  • error_class: The class of exception to raise. Defaults to SleepingKingStudios::Tools::Assertions::AssertionError.
  • message: The error message to display.


Raises an exception if the given value is nil.

#=> raises an AssertionError with message 'value must not be nil'

#=> does not raise an exception

It accepts the following options:

  • as: A short descriptor of the given value. Defaults to "value".
  • error_class: The class of exception to raise. Defaults to SleepingKingStudios::Tools::Assertions::AssertionError.
  • message: The error message to display.


Raises an exception if the given value is nil or #empty?.

#=> raises an AssertionError with message "can't be blank"

#=> does not raise an exception

#=> raises an AssertionError with message "can't be blank"

Assertions.assert_presence([1, 2, 3])
#=> does not raise an exception

It accepts the following options:

  • as: A short descriptor of the given value. Defaults to "value".
  • error_class: The class of exception to raise. Defaults to SleepingKingStudios::Tools::Assertions::AssertionError.
  • message: The error message to display.
  • optional: If true, accepts nil values as well as non-#empty? objects.


Generates an error message for the given scope and options.

scope = ''

#=> 'value must be nil or empty'
assertions.error_message_for(scope, as: false)
#=> 'must be nil or empty'
assertions.error_message_for(scope, as: 'item')
#=> 'item must be nil or empty'


Raises an ArgumentError unless the given block returns a truthy value.

Assertions.validate { true == false }
#=> raises an ArgumentError with message 'block returned a falsy value'

Assertions.validate { true == true }
#=> does not raise an exception

It accepts the following options:

  • message: The error message to display.


Raises an exception unless the given value is nil or #empty?.

#=> does not raise an exception

#=> raises an ArgumentError with message 'value must be nil or empty'

#=> does not raise an exception

Assertions.validate_blank([1, 2, 3])
#=> raises an ArgumentError with message 'value must be nil or empty'

It accepts the following options:

  • as: A short descriptor of the given value. Defaults to "value".
  • message: The error message to display.


Raises an exception unless the given value is either true or false.

#=> raises an ArgumentError with message 'value must be true or false'

#=> raises an ArgumentError with message 'value must be true or false'

#=> does not raise an exception

#=> does not raise an exception

It accepts the following options:

  • as: A short descriptor of the given value. Defaults to "value".
  • message: The error message to display.
  • optional: If true, accepts nil values as well as true or false.


Raises an ArgumentError unless the given value is a Class.

#=> raises an ArgumentError with message 'value is not a class'

#=> does not raise an exception

It accepts the following options:

  • as: A short descriptor of the given value. Defaults to "value".
  • message: The error message to display.
  • optional: If true, accepts nil values as well as Class instances.


Raises an ArgumentERror if any of the assertions in the block fail, and aggregates the failure messages of all failing assertions.

Assertions.validate_group do |group|
  group.validate_name(nil, as: 'label')
  group.validate_instance_of(0.0, expected: Integer, as: 'quantity')
# raises an ArgumentError with message: "label can't be blank, quantity is not an instance of Integer"

It accepts the following options:

  • error_class: The class of exception to raise. Defaults to SleepingKingStudios::Tools::Assertions::AssertionError.
  • message: The error message to display.


Raises an ArgumentError unless the given value is an instance of the expected Class or Module.

Assertions.validate_instance_of(:foo, expected: String)
#=> raises an AssertionError with message 'value is not an instance of String'

Assertions.validate_instance_of('foo', expected: String)
#=> does not raise an exception

It accepts the following options:

  • as: A short descriptor of the given value. Defaults to "value".
  • message: The error message to display.
  • optional: If true, accepts nil values as well as instances of the Class or Module.


Raises an ArgumentError unless the given value matches the expected value using case equality (#===).

Assertions.validate_matches('bar', expected: /foo/)
#=> raises an ArgumentError with message 'value does not match the pattern /foo/'

Assertions.validate_matches('foo', expected: /foo/)
#=> does not raise an exception

It accepts the following options:

  • as: A short descriptor of the given value. Defaults to "value".
  • message: The error message to display.
  • optional: If true, accepts nil values as well as matching values.


Raises an ArgumentError unless the given value is a non-empty String or Symbol.

#=> raises an ArgumentError with message "value can't be blank"

#=> raises an AssertionError with message 'value is not a String or a Symbol'

#=> raises an ArgumentError with message "value can't be blank"

#=> does not raise an exception

#=> does not raise an exception

It accepts the following options:

  • as: A short descriptor of the given value. Defaults to "value".
  • message: The error message to display.
  • optional: If true, accepts nil values as well as valid Symbols and Strings.


Raises an exception unless the given value is nil.

#=> does not raise an exception

#=> raises an ArgumentError with message 'value must be nil'

It accepts the following options:

  • as: A short descriptor of the given value. Defaults to "value".
  • message: The error message to display.


Raises an exception unless the given value is nil.

#=> raises an ArgumentError with message 'value must not be nil'

#=> does not raise an exception

It accepts the following options:

  • as: A short descriptor of the given value. Defaults to "value".
  • message: The error message to display.


Raises an exception if the given value is nil or #empty?.

#=> raises an ArgumentError with message "can't be blank"

#=> does not raise an exception

#=> raises an ArgumentError with message "can't be blank"

Assertions.validate_presence([1, 2, 3])
#=> does not raise an exception

It accepts the following options:

  • as: A short descriptor of the given value. Defaults to "value".
  • message: The error message to display.
  • optional: If true, accepts nil values as well as non-#empty? objects.


The Assertions::Aggregator class implements the same methods as the Assertions class. However, instead of raising an exception on a failed assertion, an aggregator stores the failure messages. This allows the user to run multiple assertions and combine the results.

The aggregator is used internally by the #assert_group and #validate_group methods.

aggregator =

aggregator.count     #=> 0
aggregator.empty?    #=> true
aggregator.each.to_a #=> []

aggregator.validate_boolean(nil, as: 'optional')
aggregator.validate_presence('', as: 'details')

aggregator.count #=> 2
aggregator.empty? #=> false
aggregator.each.to_a #=> ['optional must be true or false', "details can't be blank"]

Appends a failure message to the aggregator.


Removes all failures from the aggregator.


Returns the number of failures stored in the aggregator.


Yields each failure stored in the aggregator.


Returns true if the aggregator does not store any failure; otherwise returns false.

Core Tools

Tools for working with an application or working environment.


Prints a deprecation warning.

CoreTools.deprecate 'ObjectTools#old_method'
#=> prints to stderr:
#   [WARNING] ObjectTools#old_method is deprecated.
#       called from /path/to/file.rb:4: in something_or_other

You can also specify an additional message to display:

CoreTools.deprecate 'ObjectTools#old_method',
  'Use #new_method instead.'
#=> prints to stderr:
#   [WARNING] ObjectTools#old_method is deprecated. Use #new_method instead.
#     called from /path/to/file.rb:4: in something_or_other

You can specify a custom format for the deprecation message:

CoreTools.deprecate 'ObjectTools#old_method',
  format: '%s was deprecated in version %s.'
#=> prints to stderr:
#   ObjectTools#old_method was deprecated in version 0.1.0.
#     called from /path/to/file.rb:4: in something_or_other

By default, #deprecate will print the last 3 lines of the caller, excluding any lines from Forwardable and from SleepingKingStudios::Tools itself. To print a different number of lines, pass a custom deprecation_caller_depth parameter to or set the DEPRECATION_CALLER_DEPTH environment variable.


Generates an empty Binding object. Note that this binding object still has access to Object methods and constants - it is not eval-safe.

#=> Binding


Takes a file pattern or a list of file names and requires each file.

CoreTools.require_each '/path/to/one', '/path/to/two', '/path/to/three'
#=> Requires each file.

CoreTools.require_each '/path/to/directory/**/*.rb'
#=> Requires each file matching the pattern.

Hash Tools

Tools for working with array-like enumerable objects.


Creates a copy of the hash with the keys converted to strings, including keys of nested hashes and hashes inside nested arrays.

hsh = { :one => 1, :two => 2, :three => 3 }
cpy = HashTools.convert_keys_to_strings(hsh)
#=> { 'one' => 1, 'two' => 2, 'three' => 3 }
#=> { :one => 1, :two => 2, :three => 3 }

hsh = { :odd => { :one => 1, :three => 3 }, :even => { :two => 2, :four => 4 } }
cpy = HashTools.convert_keys_to_strings(hsh)
#=> { 'odd' => { 'one' => 1, 'three' => 3 }, 'even' => { 'two' => 2, 'four' => 4 } }
#=> { :odd => { :one => 1, :three => 3 }, :even => { :two => 2, :four => 4 } }


Creates a copy of the hash with the keys converted to symbols, including keys of nested hashes and hashes inside nested arrays.

hsh = { 'one' => 1, 'two' => 2, 'three' => 3 }
cpy = HashTools.convert_keys_to_strings(hsh)
#=> { :one => 1, :two => 2, :three => 3 }
#=> { 'one' => 1, 'two' => 2, 'three' => 3 }

hsh = { 'odd' => { 'one' => 1, 'three' => 3 }, 'even' => { 'two' => 2, 'four' => 4 } }
cpy = HashTools.convert_keys_to_strings(hsh)
#=> { :odd => { :one => 1, :three => 3 }, :even => { :two => 2, :four => 4 } }
#=> { 'odd' => { 'one' => 1, 'three' => 3 }, 'even' => { 'two' => 2, 'four' => 4 } }


Creates a deep copy of the object by returning a new Hash with deep copies of each key and value. See also ObjectTools#deep_dup[#label-Object+Tools].

hsh = { :one => 'one', :two => 'two', :three => 'three' }
cpy = HashTools.deep_dup hsh

cpy.update :four => 'four'
#=> { :one => 'one', :two => 'two', :three => 'three', :four => 'four' }
#=> { :one => 'one', :two => 'two', :three => 'three' }

cpy[:one].sub!(/on/, 'vu'); cpy
#=> { :one => 'vun', :two => 'two', :three => 'three', :four => 'four' }
#=> { :one => 'one', :two => 'two', :three => 'three' }


Freezes the hash and performs a deep freeze on each hash key and value.

hsh = { :one => 'one', :two => 'two', :three => 'three' }
HashTools.deep_freeze hsh

#=> true
#=> true


Generates a Binding object, with the hash converted to local variables in the binding.

hsh     = { :one => 'one', :two => 'two', :three => 'three' }
binding = HashTools.generate_binding(hsh)
#=> Binding

#=> true
#=> 'one'
#=> 'one'


Returns true if the object is or appears to be a Hash.

#=> false
#=> false
#=> true


Returns true if the hash is immutable, i.e. if the hash is frozen and each hash key and hash value are immutable.

HashTools.immutable?({ :id => 0, :title => 'The Ramayana' })
#=> false

HashTools.immutable?({ :id => 0, :title => 'The Ramayana' }.freeze)
#=> false

HashTools.immutable?({ :id => 0, :title => 'The Ramayana'.freeze }.freeze)
#=> true


Returns true if the hash is mutable (see #immutable?, above).


See HashTools#convert_keys_to_strings[#label-Hash+Tools]


See HashTools#convert_keys_to_symbols[#label-Hash+Tools]

Integer Tools

Tools for working with integers.


Returns the number of digits in the given integer when represented in the specified base. Ignores minus sign for negative numbers.

# With a positive number.
#=> 2

# With a negative number.
#=> 3

# With a binary number.
IntegerTools.count_digits(189, :base => 2)
#=> 8

# With a hexadecimal number.
IntegerTools.count_digits(16724838, :base => 16)
#=> 6


Decomposes the given integer into its digits when represented in the given base.

# With a number in base 10.
#=> ['1', '5', '9', '2', '6']

# With a binary number.
IntegerTools.digits(189, :base => 2)
#=> ['1', '0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '0', '1']

# With a hexadecimal number.
#=> ['f', 'f', '3', '3', '6', '6']


Returns true if the object is an Integer.

#=> false
#=> false
#=> false
#=> true


Returns the singular or the plural value, depending on the provided item count. Can be given an explicit plural argument, or will delegate to StringTools#pluralize.

IntegerTools.pluralize 4, 'light'
#=> 'lights'

IntegerTools.pluralize 3, 'cow', 'kine'
#=> 'kine'


Represents an integer between 1 and 4999 (inclusive) as a Roman numeral.

#=> 'CDXCIX'

Object Tools

require 'sleeping_king_studios/tools/object_tools'

Low-level tools for working with objects.


Takes a proc or lambda and invokes it with the given object as receiver, with any additional arguments or block provided.

my_object = double('object', :to_s => 'A mock object')
my_proc   = ->() { puts %{#{self.to_s} says "Greetings, programs!"} }

ObjectTools.apply my_object, my_proc
#=> Writes 'A mock object says "Greetings, programs!"' to STDOUT.


Creates a deep copy of the object. If the object is an Array, returns a new Array with deep copies of each array item (see ArrayTools#deep_dup[#label-Array+Tools]). If the object is a Hash, returns a new Hash with deep copies of each hash key and value (see HashTools#deep_dup[#label-Hash+Tools]). Otherwise, returns Object#dup.

data = {
  :songs = [
      :name   => 'Welcome to the Jungle',
      :artist => "Guns N' Roses",
      :album  => 'Appetite for Destruction'
      :name   => 'Hells Bells',
      :artist => 'AC/DC',
      :album  => 'Back in Black'
      :name   => "Knockin' on Heaven's Door",
      :artist => 'Bob Dylan',
      :album  => 'Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid'

copy = ObjectTools.deep_dup data

copy[:songs] << { :name => 'Sympathy for the Devil', :artist => 'The Rolling Stones', :album => 'Beggars Banquet' }
#=> 3

copy[:songs][1][:name] = 'Shoot to Thrill'
#=> { :name => 'Hells Bells', :artist => 'AC/DC', :album => 'Back in Black' }


Performs a deep freeze of the object. If the object is an Array, freezes the array and performs a deep freeze on each array item (see ArrayTools#deep_dup[#label-Array+Tools]). If the object is a hash, freezes the hash and performs a deep freeze on each hash key and value (see HashTools#deep_dup[#label-Hash+Tools]). Otherwise, calls Object#freeze unless the object is already immutable.

data = {
  :songs = [
      :name   => 'Welcome to the Jungle',
      :artist => "Guns N' Roses",
      :album  => 'Appetite for Destruction'
      :name   => 'Hells Bells',
      :artist => 'AC/DC',
      :album  => 'Back in Black'
      :name   => "Knockin' on Heaven's Door",
      :artist => 'Bob Dylan',
      :album  => 'Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid'

#=> true
#=> true
#=> true
#=> true


Accesses deeply nested attributes by calling the first named method on the given object, and each subsequent method on the result of the previous method call. If the object does not respond to the method name, nil is returned instead of calling the method.

ObjectTools.dig my_object, :first_method, :second_method, :third_method
#=> my_object.first_method.second_method.third_method

#eigenclass, #metaclass

Returns the object's eigenclass.

ObjectTools.eigenclass my_object
#=> Shortcut for class << self; self; end.


Returns true if the object is immutable. Values of nil, false, and true are always immutable, as are instances of Numeric and Symbol. Arrays are immutable if the array is frozen and each array item is immutable. Hashes are immutable if the hash is frozen and each hash key and hash value are immutable. Otherwise, objects are immutable if they are frozen.

#=> true

#=> true

#=> true

#=> true

ObjectTools.immutable?("Greetings, programs!")
#=> false

ObjectTools.immutable?([1, 2, 3])
#=> false

ObjectTools.immutable?([1, 2, 3].freeze)
#=> false


Returns true if the object is mutable (see #immutable?, above).


Returns true if the object is an Object.

#=> true
#=> true
#=> true
#=> true
#=> false


As #send, but returns nil if the object does not respond to the method.

ObjectTools.try(%w(ichi ni san), :count)
#=> 3
ObjectTools.try(nil, :count)
#=> nil

String Tools

require 'sleeping_king_studios/tools/string_tools'

Tools for working with strings.


Converts a lowercase, underscore separated string to a mixed-case string expression, as per ActiveSupport::Inflector#camelize.

StringTools#camelize 'valhalla'
#=> 'Valhalla'

StringTools#camelize 'muspelheimr_and_niflheimr'
#=> 'MuspelheimrAndNiflheimr'


Performs multiple string tools operations in sequence, starting with the given string and passing the result of each operation to the next.

# Equivalent to `StringTools.underscore(StringTools.pluralize str)`.
StringTools#chain 'ArchivedPeriodical', :underscore, :pluralize
# => 'archived_periodicals'

Adds the specified number of spaces to the start of each line of the string. Defaults to 2 spaces.

string = 'The Hobbit'
#=> '  The Hobbit'

titles = [
  "The Fellowship of the Ring",
  "The Two Towers",
  "The Return of the King"
string = titles.join "\n"
StringTools.indent(string, 4)
#=> "    The Fellowship of the Ring\n"\
    "    The Two Towers\n"\
    "    The Return of the King"


Yields each line of the string to the provided block and combines the results into a new multiline string.

string = 'The Hobbit'
StringTools.map_lines(string) { |line| "  #{line}" }
#=> '- The Hobbit'

titles = [
  "The Fellowship of the Ring",
  "The Two Towers",
  "The Return of the King"
string = titles.join "\n"
StringTools.map_lines(string) { |line, index| "#{index}. #{line}" }
#=> "0. The Fellowship of the Ring\n"\
    "1. The Two Towers\n"\
    "2. The Return of the King"


Returns true if the word is in plural form, and returns false otherwise. A word is in plural form if and only if calling #pluralize (see below) on the word returns the word without modification.

StringTools.plural? 'light'
#=> false

StringTools.plural? 'lights'
#=> true


Takes a word in singular form and returns the plural form, based on the defined rules and known irregular/uncountable words.

First, checks if the word is known to be uncountable (see #define_uncountable_word). Then, checks if the word is known to be irregular (see #define_irregular_word). Finally, iterates through the defined plural rules from most recently defined to first defined (see #define_plural_rule).

StringTools.pluralize 'light'
#=> 'lights'

Important Note: The defined rules and exceptions are deliberately basic. Each application is responsible for defining its own pluralization rules using this framework.

Additional rules can be defined using the following methods:

# Define a plural rule.
StringTools.define_plural_rule(/lf$/, 'lves')
StringTools.pluralize 'elf'
#=> 'elves'

# Define an irregular word.
StringTools.define_irregular_word('goose', 'geese')
StringTools.pluralize 'goose'
#=> 'geese'

# Define an uncountable word.
StringTools.pluralize 'series'
# => 'series'


Returns true if the word is in singular form, and returns false otherwise. A word is in singular form if and only if calling #singularize (see below) on the word returns the word without modification.

StringTools.singular? 'light'
#=> true

StringTools.singular? 'lights'
#=> false


Takes a word in plural form and returns the singular form, based on the defined rules and known irregular/uncountable words.

StringTools.singularize 'lights'
#=> 'light'

StringTools#singularize uses the same rules for irregular and uncountable words as #pluralize. Additional rules can be defined using the following method:

StringTools.define_singular_rule(/lves$/, 'lf')
StringTools.singularize 'elves'
#=> 'elf'


Returns true if the object is a String.

#=> false
#=> false
StringTools.string?('Greetings, programs!')
#=> true
#=> false


Converts a mixed-case string expression to a lowercase, underscore separated string, as per ActiveSupport::Inflector#underscore.

StringTools#underscore 'Bifrost'
#=> 'bifrost'

StringTools#underscore 'FenrisWolf'
#=> 'fenris_wolf'


Common objects or patterns that are useful across projects but are larger than or do not fit the functional paradigm of the tools.* pattern.


require 'sleeping_king_studios/tools/toolbox/constant_map'

Provides an enumerable interface for defining a group of constants.

UserRoles =
    GUEST: 'guest',
    USER:  'user',
    ADMIN: 'admin'

#=> 'guest'

#=> 'user'

#=> { :GUEST => 'guest', :USER => 'user', :ADMIN => 'admin' }

ConstantMap includes Enumerable, with #each yielding the name and value of each defined constant. It also defines the following additional methods:


Yields each defined constant name, similar to Hash#each_key.


Yields each defined constant value, similar to Hash#each_value.


Returns an array containing the names of the defined constants, similar to Hash#keys.


Also #all. Returns a Hash representation of the constants.


Returns an array containing the values of the defined constants, similar to Hash#values.


require 'sleeping_king_studios/tools/toolbox/mixin'

Implements module-based inheritance for both instance- and class-level methods, similar to the (in)famous ActiveSupport::Concern. When a Mixin is included into a class, the class will be extended with any methods defined in the special ClassMethods module, even if the Mixin is being included indirectly via one or more intermediary Mixins.

Widget =

module Widgets
  extend SleepingKingStudios::Tools::Toolbox::Mixin

  module ClassMethods
    def widget_types
      %w(gadget doohickey thingamabob)
    end # class method widget_types
  end # module

  def widget? widget_type
  end # method widget?
end # module

module WidgetBuilding
  extend SleepingKingStudios::Tools::Toolbox::Mixin

  include Widgets

  def build_widget widget_type
    raise ArgumentError, 'not a widget', caller unless widget?(widget_type)
  end # method build_widget
end # module

class WidgetFactory
  include WidgetBuilding
end # class

factory =

#=> Widget

#=> ['gadget', 'doohickey', 'thingamabob']

Semantic Version

require 'sleeping_king_studios/tools/toolbox/semantic_version'

Module mixin for using semantic versioning (see with helper methods for generating strict and gem-compatible version strings.

module Version
  extend SleepingKingStudios::Tools::Toolbox::SemanticVersion

  MAJOR = 3
  MINOR = 1
  PATCH = 4
  PRERELEASE = 'beta'
  BUILD = 1
end # module

GEM_VERSION = Version.to_gem_version
#=> '3.1.4.beta.1'

VERSION = Version.to_version
#=> '3.1.4-beta+1'


Concatenates the MAJOR, MINOR, and PATCH constant values with PRERELEASE and BUILD (if available) to generate a modified semantic version string compatible with Rubygems. The major, minor, patch, prerelease, and build values (if available) are separated by dots ..


Concatenates the MAJOR, MINOR, and PATCH constant values with PRERELEASE and BUILD (if available) to generate a semantic version string. The major, minor, and patch values are separated by dots ., then the prerelease (if available) preceded by a hyphen -, and the build (if available) preceded by a plus sign +.


require 'sleeping_king_studios/tools/toolbox/subclass'

The Subclass module provides a mechanism for performing partial application (or "currying") of constructor parameters. This is useful for defining subclasses that inject pre-defined values into the constructor.

Let's consider an example. We'll start by defining a base class.

class Query
  extend SleepingKingStudios::Tools::Toolbox::Subclass

  def initialize(entity_class, **options)
    @entity_class = entity_class
    @options      = options

  attr_reader :entity_class

  attr_reader :options

  def call
    # Querying logic here.

query =, limit: 10)
#=> Book
#=> { limit: 10 }

Our Query class is used to perform queries on some data source - a relational table, an API, or some in-memory data structure. To perform a query, we need to know what data to request. This is represented by the :entity_class argument. Additionally, we can pass arbitrary :options as keywords.

BooksQuery = Query.subclass(Book)

query = :title)
#=> Book
#=> { order: :title }

By calling .subclass on our Query class, we are defining a new subclass of Query that injects the given parameters and partially applies them to the constructor. In this case, we are injecting the Book class into our query.

We can also use .subclass to partially apply keywords or a block.

RecentItemsQuery = Query.subclass(order: { created_at: :desc })

query =
#=> Book
#=> { order: { created_at: :desc } }

When you call the subclass's constructor with additional parameters, they are applied in addition to the configured values (if any).

  • Any arguments passed to .new are added after the configured arguments.
  • Any keywords passed to .new are merged into the configured keywords, with the values passed to .new taking precedence.
  • A block passed to .new will take precedence over a configured block.
class Character
  extend SleepingKingStudios::Tools::Toolbox::Subclass

  def initialize(*traits, **stats, &special)
    @traits  = traits
    @stats   = stats
    @special = special

  attr_reader :special

  attr_reader :stats

  attr_reader :traits

Bard = Character.subclass(:musical, performance: 5, persuasion: 10) do
  'The bard sings a cheerful tune.'

aoife =, magic: 5, performance: 10) do
  'Aoife drops her lute!'
#=> [:musical, :sorcerous]
#=> { magic: 5, performance: 10, persuasion: 10 }
#=> 'Aoife drops her lute!'