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Build Heroku-like slugs


~> 1.13
>= 0
~> 10.0
~> 3.0
 Project Readme


Slugbuilder is a Ruby gem to build Heroku-like slugs.

It runs Heroku buildpacks on an application and builds a slug, which is essentially a tar file that can run on services like Heroku, panoplymedia/slugrunner, lxfontes/slugrunner-rb, deis/slugrunner, and the like.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'slugbuilder'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install slugbuilder


Basic Usage

# basic
sb = Slugbuilder::Builder.new(repo: 'heroku/node-js-sample', git_ref: 'master')
sb.build # builds the slug `heroku.node-js-sample.master.tgz` in the current directory

Override Slug Name

# with environment variables
sb = Slugbuilder::Builder.new(repo: 'heroku/node-js-sample', git_ref: 'master')
sb.build(slug_name: 'my_slug') # builds slug to `my_slug.tgz'

Setting Build Environment

# with environment variables
sb = Slugbuilder::Builder.new(repo: 'heroku/node-js-sample', git_ref: 'master')
sb.build(env: {NODE_ENV: 'production', SETTING: 'something'})

Build without Cache

# clear cache
sb = Slugbuilder::Builder.new(repo: 'heroku/node-js-sample', git_ref: 'master')
sb.build(clear_cache: true)

Prebuild/Postbuild Hooks

# prebuild/postbuild
# using a Proc or Proc-like object (responds to `call` method)
sb = Slugbuilder::Builder.new(repo: 'heroku/node-js-sample', git_ref: 'master')
class PostBuildInterface
  def self.call(repo:, git_ref:, git_url:, stats:, slug:)
    # postbuild logic
sb.build(prebuild: ->(repo: repo, git_ref: git_ref, git_url: git_url) { p "prebuild logic" }, postbuild: PostBuildInterface)

# prebuild/postbuild with optional blocks
sb = Slugbuilder::Builder.new(repo: 'heroku/node-js-sample', git_ref: 'master') do |args|
  # prebuild logic
  p args[:repo]
sb.build(env: {}) do |args|
  # postbuild logic
  p args[:slug]

You can optionally define a pre-compile or post-compile script in your application's bin folder (eg. bin/pre-compile). The pre-compile script will run before any buildpacks are run, and the post-compile script will run after all of the buildpacks are run. The script should be executable (run chmod +x on the script files).


Builder#initialize(repo:, git_ref:, &block)

  • repo String (required): the github repo in the form <organization>/<repository_name>, https://<git_service>/<organization>/<repository_name>.git, or git@<git_service>:<organization>/<repository_name>.git
  • git_ref String (required): the SHA or branch to build
  • stdout IO (optional): the IO stream to write build output to. This defaults to $stdout
  • block Block (optional): an optional block that runs pre-build. It receives a Hash with the structure:
    • repo String: The git repo identifier in the form <organization>/<repository_name>
    • git_ref String: The git branchname or SHA
    • git_url String: The git URL (this will be in the form specified by the Slugbuilder.config.protocol)

Alternatively, a Proc can be passed to build method's keyword argument prebuild to achieve the same effect.

Builder#build(slug_name: nil, clear_cache: false, env: {}, buildpacks: Slugbuilder.config.buildpacks, prebuild: nil, postbuild: nil, &block)

build builds the slug and writes build information to STDOUT.

  • slug_name String (optional): Override default name of slug (repo.git_ref.git_sha.random_hex.tgz with the / in repo replaced by .)
  • clear_cache Boolean (optional): destroys the cache before building when true
  • env Hash (optional): an optional hash of environment variables
  • buildpacks Array (optional): optionally set buildpacks to be used for that particular build. defaults to Slugbuilder.config.buildpacks. Buildpacks should be in the form <organization>/<repository_name>, https://<git_service>/<organization>/<repository_name>.git, or git@<git_service>:<organization>/<repository_name>.git
  • prebuild Proc (optional): an optional Proc (or anything that conforms to the call API of a Proc) that will be run before the build. The Proc will receive a Hash with the structure:
    • repo String: The git repo identifier
    • git_ref String: The git branchname or SHA
    • git_url String: The git URL (this will be in the form specified by the Slugbuilder.config.protocol) Alternatively, a block can be passed to the initialize method to the same effect.
  • postbuild Proc (optional): an optional Proc (or anything that conforms to the call API of a Proc) that will run post-build. The Proc will receive a Hash with the structure:
    • slug String: Location of the built slug file
    • repo String: The git repo identifier
    • git_ref String: The git branchname or SHA
    • git_url String: The git URL (this will be in the form specified by the Slugbuilder.config.protocol)
    • git_sha String: The git SHA (even if the git ref was a branch name)
    • request_id String: The unique id of the build request
    • stats Hash:
      • setup Float: Amount of time spent in setup
      • build Float: Total amount of time spent in build (compile/build/slug)
      • compile Float: Amount of time spent in buildpack compilation
      • slug Float: Amount of time compressing the slug
      • output String: Build output to STDOUT

Alternatively, a block can be passed to this method to the same effect. (see below)

  • block Block (optional): an optional block that can be used as an alternative to the postbuild Proc argument. This receives the same arguments as postbuild (see above)


Configuration settings can be modified within the Slugbuilder.configure block. Or set directly off of Slugbuilder.config

Slugbuilder.configure do |config|
  config.base_dir = '/tmp/slugbuilder'
  config.cache_dir = '/tmp/slugbuilder-cache'
  config.output_dir = './slugs'

Slugbuilder.config.base_dir = '/tmp/slugbuilder'
Slugbuilder.config.cache_dir = '/tmp/slugbuilder-cache'
Slugbuilder.config.output_dir = './slugs'


@base_dir = '/tmp/slugbuilder'
@cache_dir = '/tmp/slugbuilder-cache'
@output_dir = './slugs'
@git_service = 'github.com'
@protocol = 'https'
@buildpacks = [
@heroku_stack = 'heroku-16'


This is the base directory that builds and apps are stored in.

Defaults to /tmp/slugbuilder


This is the directory where the cache lives. Each repo has its own cache (eg. cache-dir/org/repo)

Defaults to /tmp/slugbuilder-cache


This is where slug files are built to.

Defaults to . (the current directory)


This is where the git repositories live (github.com, gitlab.com, bitbucket.org, etc)

Defaults to github.com


The protocol that should be used to pull down git repositories (including buildbpacks). This can be either https or ssh

Defaults to https (also uses https if protocol is not valid)


Buildpacks is an array of valid git clone-able buildpack URLs. Buildpacks should be in the form <organization>/<repository_name>, https://<git_service>/<organization>/<repository_name>.git, or git@<git_service>:<organization>/<repository_name>.git

Defaults to []


This is a string configuration option that may affect how certain buildpacks run. It is set as the $STACK environment variable. See Heroku's documentation for more information about where this comes from. eg: 'heroku-16', 'cedar-14'

Defaults to 'heroku-16'


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/panoplymedia/slugbuilder. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Motivation and Thanks

This project is heavily based on lxfontes/slugbuilder and was inspired by projects like: