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Small Victories Ruby interface.


~> 1.7
~> 10.0
~> 3.3


 Project Readme

Small Victories Gem

A command line utility for building websites.

What does it do?

The Small Victories gem compiles Sass/CSS and JS/CoffeeScript files into a single Stylesheet and JavaScript file and renders HTML and Liquid files into a destination folder.

Sprockets looks for main Sass/CSS and JS/CoffeeScript files and compiles multiple Sass/CSS and JS/CoffeeScript files into a single CSS and JS file.

You can structure your folder however you want, Sprockets will find the files you reference and compile them in the order you require them.

Liquid looks for a single layout file and renders all HTML and Liquid files through this, including snippets from the includes folder.

You don't have to use a layout file if you don't want to, the files will still be copied to the destination folder.

Guard LiveReload is used to notify the browser to automatically reload. It needs to be used with the LiveReload Safari/Chrome/Firefox extension.


gem install smallvictories



Sets up default files in a folder.

Pass no name to setup in the current folder:

Command: sv bootstrap

Pass a folder name to setup in a new/existing folder:

Command: sv bootstrap my-folder


Compile files.

Renders Sass/CSS, JavaScript/CoffeeScript, HTML/Liquid and Sprite in the destination folder.

Command: sv compile


Minify and copy files to deploy folder.

Command: sv deploy


Compile files and then inline CSS in your HTML files.

Command: sv inline


Minify CSS and JS files for production.

Command: sv minify


Watch for changes then compile files and notify LiveReload.

Command: sv watch

Default Folder Structure

The default setup for Small Victories is to have your production files in the root and your development files in the _sv directory.

  └── Small Victories
    └── Your Site
      └── _sv
      │   ├── _includes
      │   │ └── _head.liquid
      │   ├── _layout.liquid
      │   ├── applscation.css
      │   ├── application.js
      │   ├── index.liquid
      ├── _sv_custom.css
      ├── _sv_custom.js
      └── index.html

You would then run sv watch from within Your Site and Small Victories will watch for changes in _sv and compile them to the Your Site folder.

How does it work with Small Victories?

This gem allows you to build a site using the tools you're used to and compile a version directly into a Small Victories folder.

When you watch or build your site it will output the files into your Dropbox folder, which in turn will trigger Small Victories to rebuild your site.

Getting Started

First, create a new Small Victories site either through your Small Victories admin or by creating a new folder in Dropbox/Small Victories.

In terminal, cd into the directory and run:

sv bootstrap


sv compile

And finally:

sv watch

With the default config, Small Victories will watch and compile your files into the root of your site folder.

Why is there no web server?

There are other static site generators (like Jekyll or Middleman) that you can use to fire up a web server (and more!), Small Victories helps you build a static site for hosting on Small Victories, so if you don't need anything more than a static HTML file that can be dropped into your Small Victories folder.


You can override Small Victories config by including a _sv_config.yml file in the directory where sv is run from.

You can set the following options:

  • source: Relative path to find and watch files for watching and compiling.
  • destination: Relative path for where to save final files.
  • stylesheet: Main stylesheet (Sass or CSS) to be compiled into destination.
  • javascript: Main javascript file (JS or CoffeeScript) to be compiled into destination.
  • layout: Liquid layout file to render all other html and liquid files through.
  • includes: Directory where liquid rendered should expect to find snippets.
  • compile_css: Should Small Victories compile Sass/css? Default is true.
  • compile_js: Should Small Victories compile CoffeeScript/JavaScript? Default is true.
  • compile_html: Should Small Victories compile HTML? Default is true.

Default Configuration

source: '_sv'
destination: ''
source_stylesheet: 'application.css'
source_javascript: 'application.js'
destination_stylesheet: '_sv_custom.css'
destination_javascript: '_sv_custom.js'
layout: '_layout.liquid'
includes: '_includes'
compile_html: true

What if I want to use Liquid tags on Small Victories?

To keep liquid tags in your compiled html file for parsing on Small Victories you should wrap the tag in a {% raw %} tag.

{% raw %}
  {{ my tag }}
{% endraw %}

Building Locally

  1. Clone it
  2. Run bundle
  3. Run rake install


  1. Update the version number in lib/smallvictories/version.rb
  2. Run gem build smallvictories.gemspec
  3. Run gem push smallvictories-0.0.X.gem


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/xxix/smallvictories-gem/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request