⚠️ This gem will no longer receive any updates
⚠️ If you want to access to new awesome features, like endless-period support 😯
⚠️ Take a look to his successor ActivePeriod 🥳
Smart-Period aims to simplify Time-range manipulation.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'period'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install smart-period
Smart-Period was designed to simplify time-range manipulation, specialy with rails and user input
Warning :
- A time-range take place between two date and it's different from an abstract duration of time
- Smart-Period is limited at full day of time and will always round the starting and ending to the beginning and the ending of the day
Quick view (TL;DR)
require 'period'
# Get all user created today
User.where(created_at: Period.today)
# Get how many weeks there is from the beginning of time ?
# Is Trump still in charge ?
Time.now.in? Period.new('20/01/2017'...'20/01/2021')
# Get the week of an arbitrary date
# Write a date for me (I18n supported)
=> "From the 20 January 2017 to the 19 January 2021 included"
Detailed view
There's two way to create and manipulate a period of time FreePeriod
and StandardPeriod
FreePeriod of time
You can declare FreePeriod as simply as :
# With Date objects
# or with Strings
# or with a mix
# or in a rails Controller with params
FreePeriod can be manipulated with +
and -
Doing so will move the start and the end of the period
Period.new('01/01/2000'..'05/01/2000') + 3.day
# is equal to
Standard Period of time
Using StandardPeriod you are limited to strictly bordered periods of time
These periods are day
, week
, month
, quarter
and year
# To get the week, 42th day ago
# To get the first month of 2020
# or if you like it verbious
# or if you need the current week
Note : If you ask for a month
, quarter
of year
, the day part of your param doesn't matter 01/01/2020
give the same result as 14/01/2020
or 29/01/2020
StandardPeriod can be manipulated with +
and -
and will always return a StandardPeriod of the same type
# Subtraction are made from the start of the period
Period.month('10/02/2000') - 1.day
# Return the previous month
# Addition are made from the end
Period.month('10/02/2000') + 1.day
# Return the next month
Period.week('10/02/2000') + 67.day
# Return a week
StandardPeriod also respond to .next
and .prev
# Return the month of April 2020
You can quickly access close period of time with .(last|this|next)_(day|week|month|quarter|year)
and .yesterday
# Same as Period.week(Time.now) but shorter
# Return the next month
# Return the last year
# No comment
FreePeriod and some StandardPeriod respond to .days
, .weeks
, .months
, .quarters
and .years
These methods return an array of StandardPeriod who are overlapping the current period
HasMany -> [<StandardPeriod>] | .days | .weeks | .months | .quarters | .years |
FreePeriod | X | X | X | X | X |
StandardPeriod::Day | |||||
StandardPeriod::Week | X | ||||
StandardPeriod::Month | X | X | |||
StandardPeriod::Quarter | X | X | X | ||
StandardPeriod::Year | X | X | X | X |
# Get how many weeks there is from the beginning of time ?
# How many day in the current quarter
# Get all the quarters overlapping a Period of time
StandardPeriod respond to .day
, .week
, .month
, .quarter
and .year
These methods return a StandardPeriod who include the current period
FreePeriod does not respond to these methods
BelongTo -> StandardPeriod | .day | .week | .month | .quarter | .year |
FreePeriod | |||||
StandardPeriod::Day | X | X | X | X | |
StandardPeriod::Week | X | X | X | ||
StandardPeriod::Month | X | X | |||
StandardPeriod::Quarter | X | ||||
StandardPeriod::Year |
Example with BelongTo and HasMany
# Get the first day, of the last week, of the second month, of the current year
As Period inherite from Range, you can natively use them in ActiveRecord query
# Get all book published this year
Book.where(published_at: Period.this_year)
Rails Controller
In a Controller, use the error handling to validate the date for you
class BookController < ApplicationController
def between # match via GET and POST
# Default value for first display
params[:from] ||= 1.month.ago
params[:to] ||= Time.now
# Retrieve books from the DB
@books = Book.where(published: Period.new(params[:from]..params[:to]))
rescue ArgumentError => e
# Period will handle mis-formatted date and incoherent period
# I18n is supported for errors messages
flash[:alert] = e.message
I18n and to_s
I18n is supported for en
and fr
=> "From the 01 January 2000 to the 31 January 2001 included"
I18n.locale = :fr
=> "Du 01 janvier 2000 au 31 janvier 2001 inclus"
Errors are also supported
Period.new 'Foo'..'Bar'
#=> ArgumentError (The start date is invalid)
Period.new '01/02/3030'..'Bar'
#=> ArgumentError (The end date is invalid)
Period.new '01/02/3030'..'01/01/2020'
#=> ArgumentError (The start date is greater than the end date)
See locales/en.yml
to implement your language support
If you need to change the format for a single call
period.to_s(format: 'Your Format')
# or
period.strftime('Your Format')
For a FreePeriod or if you need to print the start and the end of your period differently, use .i18n
period.i18n do |from, to|
"You have from #{from.strftime(...)} until #{to.strftime(...)} to deliver the money !"
The tricky case of Weeks
Weeks are implemented following the ISO 8601
So Period.this_month.weeks.first
doesn't necessarily include the first days of the month
Time zone are supported, you have nothing to do
If you change the global Time.zone
of your app, you have nothing to do
If your Period begin in a time zone and end in another, you have nothing to do
Bug reports
If you discover any bugs, feel free to create an issue on GitHub
Please add as much information as possible to help us in fixing the potential bug
We also encourage you to help even more by forking and sending us a pull request
No issues will be addressed outside GitHub
- Myself (https://github.com/billaul)
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.