Smokegraphy is a simple http access testing framework. That deploies test specific fixtures at setup, and remove them at teardown, and test must be executed with real http access. If you setup auto-deploying to use ftp, you can test not only localhost but also remote server. With Smokegraphy's test, you can find out miss configurations and/or network problems. Of course, Smokegraphy is useful to test webapps.
This is compatible with only ruby-1.8, now.
$ gem install smokegraphy
Quick Start
Execute smokegraphy command as below. Then, directory 'simple-test' is created, and some teplates will be wrote.
$ smokegraphy new simple_test basic
$ cd simple_test
Edit config.yaml, some path, http host name, and deploy method.
Then exec runner script.
$ ./runner.rb
Writing a Test
Below is simplest code.
class TestBasic < Smokegraphy::TestCase
def test_index_html
simple_test method will access to http://server/base_path/index.html, then checks status code and response body.
If you expected other response code, you can specify.
simple_test(:code => 403)
If you want to check response header, use block.
simple_test { |res| assert_equals("text/html", res["Content-Type"]) }
When you use block, default body check is disabled. So check it by your hand.
simple_test(:request_header => { "Accept-Encoding" => 'gzip,deflate' } ) do |res| def res.read(length = nil) self.read_body end assert_equal("gzip", res["Content-Encoding"]) assert_equal(File.new("source/#{@suite}/#{@filename}").read, Zlib::GzipReader.new(res).read) end
File Layout
Smokegraphy test should be placed as bellow
testdir / tests / test_basic.rb
| source / basic / **.html
| expected / basic / **.html.result
- Prepare fixture files (html,cgi or php) at source directory.
- Praepare result files at expected directory.