With the help of this gem you can easily wrap up the :-)
First thing you need to do is the installation , you can follow the below mentioned steps to install the gem inside your rails application. You need to add sudo if you are not using rvm(ruby version manager)
gem install sms-gateway-hub
Add this following line in your Gemfile and then run bundle install.
gem 'sms-gateway-hub', '~> 0.0.1'
Once you have installed this gem you can do the following :-
sms ='username', 'password') Check balance sms.check_balance send message sms.send(number, sender_id, message) send bulk message sms.bulk_send(number, sender_id, message) send unicode message sms.unicode_send(number, sender_id, message) send unicode bulk message sms.bulk_unicode_send(number, sender_id, message) watch delivery report sms.delivery_report(message_id) watch bulk delivery report sms.bulk_delivery_report(fromdate, todate) # date format should be mm/dd/yyyy Send schedules messages sms.scheduled_sms(number, sender_id, message, schd_time) send message to a group sms.group_send(number, sender_id, message, group_id)
I have used msgatewayhub library to develop this Gem. So all credit goes to msgatewayhub. :-)