What is Snooby?
Snooby is a wrapper around the reddit API written in Ruby. It aims to make automating any part of the reddit experience as simple and clear-cut as possible, while still providing ample functionality.
gem install snooby
Here's one way you might go about implementing a very simple bot that constantly monitors new comments to scold users of crass language.
require 'snooby'
probot = Snooby::Client.new('ProfanityBot, v1.0')
probot.authorize!('ProfanityBot', 'hunter2')
while true
probot.r('all').comments.each do |com|
if com.body =~ /(vile|rotten|words)/
com.reply("#{$&.capitalize} is a terrible word, #{com.author}!")
That covers most of the core features, but here's a look at a few more in closer detail.
reddit = Snooby::Client.new
reddit.user('andrewsmith1986').about['comment_karma'] # => 548027
reddit.u('violentacrez').trophies.size # => 46
reddit.subreddit('askscience').posts[0].selftext # => We see lots of people...
reddit.r('pics').message('Ban imgur.', "Wouldn't that be lulzy?")
frontpage = reddit.r # note the lack of parameters
frontpage.posts[-1].reply('Welcome to the front page.')
# Downvote everything I've ever said. (Note: most of your votes won't count.)
reddit.u('HazierPhonics').comments(1000).each { |c| c.downvote }
# Similarly, upvote everything on the front page of /r/askscience. (Same disclaimer.)
reddit.r('askscience').posts.each { |p| p.upvote }
The code is thoroughly documented and is the best place to start with questions.
- Moderation
- Much more thorough configuration file
- Granular caching
- Elegant solution to the "more comments" problem