SocialPoster is a gem that allows you easily post to different social networks. Supported networks are:
- Livejournal
- Vkontakte
In console:
gem install social_poster
or in your Gemfile:
gem 'social_poster'
Can work with or without Rails. Here is an example of usage when you want to use it with Ruby on Rails framework. First you need to create a configuration file config/initializers/social_poster.rb:
SocialPoster.setup do |config|
config.fb = {
access_token: 'ACCESS_TOKEN'
config.vk = {
access_token: 'ACCESS_TOKEN'
config.twitter = {
consumer_key: 'CONSUMER_KEY',
consumer_secret: 'CONSUMER_SECRET',
oauth_token: 'OAUTH_TOKEN',
oauth_token_secret: 'OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET'
config.lj = {
user: 'USER',
password: 'PASSWORD'
In controller or model you can post to different social networks like this:
SocialPoster.write(:fb, 'Something that will appear on your Facebook Wall...')
SocialPoster.write(:vk, 'Something that will appear on your Vkontakte Wall...')
SocialPoster.write(:twitter, 'Tweet tweet tweet')
SocialPoster.write(:lj, 'A long text of the post...', 'A short title of it')
For Vkontakte API there is a possibility of providing additional options. For instance, for posting on a group wall use this example:
SocialPoster.write(:vk, 'Text on the Group Wall...', nil, owner_id: '-GROUP_ID')
You can specify extra parameters for Facebook API too. For instance, you can post links, or pictures like this:
SocialPoster.write(:fb, 'Text on the Wall...', nil, link: '', picture: '')
- fork
- add changes
- run tests:
ruby -I test test/*/*
- create a pull request