An ActiveRecord-like interface to databases with a JSON based Soda2 interface, and example of which is the NYC OpenData set.
Install the gem from rubygems
$ gem install sodacan
Require it as needed
require 'sodacan'
A new database should be added to an application by subclassing SodaCan::Base
class MyDB < SodaCan::Base
This new class comes with a host of query methods out of the box. Before querying the database, connect it to the Soda2 database
MyDB.connect [uri string here]
##Query Methods
All query methods are class methods on a DB class. Query methods return instances of the DB class, just like ActiveRecord.
Returns an array of up to the first 1000 instances in the database
###.execute query
Returns the instances retrieved as a result of sending the query to the database
###.find id
Returns the instance in the database with the given ID, nil if the id is not found
###.search term
Returns an array of any instances that have the term string as a value for any field. Search works only for full tokens in the database. "ban" will match "ban on apples" but not "bananas are good"
###.where params
Returns an array of instances where the field represented by the key in the params hash has the value represented by the value in the params hash
##Instance methods
Returns a hash of field names and types found in the instance
Depending upon the record being accessed a number of accessor methods are created for the instance, allowing access to the fields.
class MyDB < SodaCan::Base
MyDB.connect 'http://someurl.com/'
first = MyDB.find 1
bananas = MyDB.search "banana"
bananas.first.calories # calorie count of the first banana
fruit = MyDB.where(food_group: 'fruit')